- 2
[Suggestion] Coin of Fortune & Solegnolia (Botania)
#189 opened by Discomanco - 1
Tome of Alkahestry null input recipes
#190 opened by Kachajal - 1
1.10.2 - Ender Staff Tooltip Incorrect when out of players' hand (Dedicated Server, Multiplayer)
#193 opened by SephirothWS - 0
Crash with pedestal, TiCon sword and levelling mod
#194 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 0
Mob charm needs a JEI description
#195 opened by P3pp3rF1y - 2
[1.11]Rending Gale bug
#196 opened by Myknakryu - 4
Coin of Fortune Suggestion
#197 opened by HyperspaceGamer - 4
Pedestals convert item stacks into a single item
#198 opened by SharkWipf - 1
Crash when sorting items in Applied Energistics 2
#203 opened by Laruae - 8
Crash: java.lang.ClassCastException
#204 opened - 6
[1.10.2] Reliquary causes server crash when used with Colossalchests
#205 opened by Morpheus1101 - 3
Urgent issue on 1.7.10 that needs to be fixed
#200 opened by Sunconure11 - 3
[Bug] Looping Crash when Reliquary apothecary cauldron is filled by ExtraUtils mechanical user
#208 opened by MysticAura - 3
Issue with enchanted Charms and Charm Belt
#210 opened - 0
Harvest Rod in Pedestal Server Crash
#212 opened by UntoldForce - 1
Server crashes when updating to forge build 2224 (works fine in 2214)
#211 opened by jimmydagumjr - 4
[Feature] Coin of Fortune toggle
#213 opened by Discomanco - 1
Pedestal dupe
#214 opened by dashkal16 - 9
[1.10.2]Server crash when activated Coin of Fortune on a pedestal has no connected inventories
#217 opened by Not-February - 2
[1.10.2] Server crash when items pass through a hopper connected to a pedestal with a harvest rod
#218 opened by Not-February - 11
mod compatibility issues between rarmor and reliquary void tear crashing client(Reliquary-1.11.2-
#219 opened by SDUBZ - 2
[1.10.2] Apothecary Cauldron does not properly accept glowstone dust
#220 opened by Not-February - 1
oddness noticed in console(1.11.2)Reliquary-1.11.2-
#221 opened by SDUBZ - 2
Storm Shot Causes Client Crash and not able to log back into world
#222 opened by tspayne87 - 2
Incorrect name on item pedestals
#223 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
FML can't find DepLoader [1.7.10]
#224 opened by Judahmeek - 2
Null Pointer exception when using Tome of Alkahestry[1.10]
#225 opened by Divineaspect - 1
Server crash when in the Nether and (un)equipping the Zombie Pigman charm
#226 opened by GrokDuckFarmer - 4
[1.10.2] Witherless Rose not granting wither immunity
#227 opened by SuddenlyARabbit - 2
[1.10.2] Infernal Chalice not properly emptying (!!DUPE BUG!!)
#228 opened by Techokami - 2
Dummies from MmmMmmMmm and Holy Granades thrown at them crashes the game
#231 opened by Ristellise - 2
Holy Hand Grenade throws exceptions when exploding
#232 opened by CovertJaguar - 2
Help with stat.useItem.xreliquary.glacial_staff
#234 opened by CP-1337 - 0
Make Twilight Cloak wearable in the Baubles body slot
#235 opened by Polsaker - 4
Infernal Tear only works when Item.getHasSubTypes() == true
#236 opened by CovertJaguar - 2
NPE: ticking entity
#237 opened by Twisted-Code - 1
Possible Bug: Pedestal with bucket not working with IE metal barrel
#239 opened by Kaisoul - 2
Interdiction Torch and Grimoire of Gaia
#240 opened by ReportBot9009 - 7
minecraft Loading crash
#241 opened by BadLucKWyvern - 7
the Rending Gale isn't working for me. Am I doing something wrong?
#243 opened by Twisted-Code - 10
[SpongeForge] void tear NBT breaks when I die with inventorykeep TRUE
#242 opened by Twisted-Code - 7
kicked for flying using the Rending Gale
#244 opened by Twisted-Code - 6
NPE entityNeutralShot
#245 opened by phit - 0
Serpent Staff description is inaccurate
#246 opened by katubug - 2
Doesn't work with 1.12
#247 opened by Seegras - 1
Emperor's chalice disappearing
#248 opened by jellyfish23 - 12
[1.12] Crash when loading
#251 opened - 5
Pedestals Destroying All Swords Put On
#250 opened by BigFriendlyJakey - 3
Issue with slime pearls?
#252 opened by Teslachu - 2
Disabling items and blocks, can't get it to work.
#253 opened by altech6983