can be used in modpacks and featured in videos/se puede usar en modpacks y salir en videos
Now with the new and revolutionary lightning rod you can live wherever you want,
Well, with this device you will avoid the tostones of having to put out fire everywhere, but don't get too close XD.
Also useful for creatures, a certain floor is raised with transparent materials, to avoid the protection of the lightning rod, and the rays will come where "you want"
use it as you please XD.
lightning rod -> attracts rays
with config file :)
and commands:
//area commands
changeXZ number
changeY number
(Attract the rays !!! don't believe them :) )
near the lightning rod: range = (x-16, y-64, z-16, x + 16, y + 64, z + 16)
little but a lot, finally no fire problems in specific areas !!
"abstain from volcanoes"