RGB Chat

RGB Chat


RGB-Chat mod

RGB Chat allows player to use gradient color text in chat、editing words and RGB loot beam.

There are two types of Hex color you can input,every Hex color is total 6 digits[R(red)G(green)B(blue)]:
1.single color
Input format
#RGByour text

2.gradient color
Input format(from color A to color B,then follows words)
#RGB-RGByour text
#FF69B4-FFF0B4Hello World!

multiple gradient effect:

Input format(several colors ,then follows words)
#RGB-RGB...-RBGyour text

#FF69B4-BBAACC-B0E0E6-45FF9AI need to be the one


well, you can use a combination of them:

More you can do:

you can create colored name item through Anvil:

colored entity name:

make your sign words more colorful:

3.RGB loot beam

if your item has the RGB name like what we talk before,then your loot beam will has the same color effect:

You can custom your loot beam in the config file:

The latest version 0.6 adds item borders, and players can modify item names through the anvil to achieve different border colors.


This project is opensource,you can visit my github repository: https://github.com/BitbanChou/RGB-Chat