Riding Utilities
This mod adds two items.
This item allows you to mount any mob in the game, including modded entities (which don't have a default GUI event). Hold Right Click to move in the direction your facing. Not all mobs like being ridden though, so you may run into some trouble (especially with hostile mobs).
Riding Crop
The Riding Crop is an item that gives a small speed boost to your mount (and has a cool-down for re-use, doubled while swimming). It doesn't cause damage to your mount unless the durability on it gets low. If it does, it is highly advised you make a new one...
This mod also allows your mount (including horses) to swim through water while you remain on their back. Gone are those pesky tasks of trying to guide your mount across a river, lake, or ocean. Now they actually have a practical purpose (also toggle-able in the config)!
Update 1.2.5
- Climbing mobs will now climb walls while being ridden.
- Mobs will now actually swim through water while using the Reins instead of gliding
Update 1.2.7
- Horses can now swim while being ridden. Toggle-able in the config!
- Riding crop mechanic while in water has been changed. It'll give you a boost if your mount is sinking, at the cost of double the cool-down!
The config file is full of lots of options to help with balance and customization! Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated.