Robotic Parts

Robotic Parts


Configuration error prevent game to load

Mental-annoyance opened this issue ยท 11 comments

This is a crash log. I hope it can help (I've tried to start only this module, but it still causes a crash)


I completely deleted Minecraft and then downloaded it again, and found that the MOD was normal.
I used translation software to translate. It's a bit strange because it's machine translation. so sorry.


Remember to post the original message along with its translation. You can't trust an automated translation to be precise enough.

Either way, I understand your issue is fixed, hence closing this.


Your configuration file is corrupted:

net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from Cyberware (cyberware)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cyberware configuration error! Item '1' for eyes slot has a nonexistant item: cyberware:bodyPart
	at flaxbeard.cyberware.common.CyberwareConfig.postInit(
	at flaxbeard.cyberware.common.CommonProxy.postInit(

Restore a previous version or delete it to rebuild from default.


I tried to download all the versions of the module that can be downloaded and try one by one, but all of them crashed without exception. (All versions are opened for the first time, and the configuration is not modified) (Maybe because I am the HMCL initiator?)


Sorry, I clicked a button by mistake

After I canceled all modules, I downloaded the module again and installed it. There is still an error. Please check whether there is a problem with this file. (I tried all versions)


Changing versions won't fix your issue. You need to delete your corrupted configuration file.


Here's the problem: after I try to delete all the things that can be deleted (only the game itself), I will crash after downloading and installing the module again. I don't know how to modify and delete the configuration file of this module without opening the game ontology


If it is not the problem of the module, I will reinstall and download the game ontology


WTF?I downloaded the game body again and started it normally.


What do you mean by deleting the game?
What do you call modules?