Robotic Parts

Robotic Parts


Suggested Quality of Life Changes that Differ from 1.10.2 Cyberware

mallrat208 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


There are a few, small changes, that I think could be made to improve the over all feel of the mod as it plays. Most are pretty small, all are easy to implement.

  • Reduce Tolerance Cost of Cyberlimbs
    • Each Cyberlimb currenetly consumes 25 out of an available default of 100 Tolerance. I'd suggest that be lowered to about 15 Tolerance. My reasoning for this is that while it's not natural, it's restoring a previously had function of the body and not going beyond, so any damage to the psyche should be minimal.
  • Reinforced Fist
    • Currently enables the player to mine at stone level if they have a Cyberarm on the Correct side. I'd up this to mining at Iron Level due to the rarity and Tolerance cost to get that far even if we lowered the cost of cyberlimbs.
  • Ender Jammer
    • Currently you cannot disable this augment, that should change as there are times when you need ender teleport events to work
  • IC2 Support for the Charger
    • I previously had a special Charger block in WIRED that worked with EU in addition to the normal charger energy types. While I can re-add it to ReWIRED, this honestly feels like something that should probably be shifted over to Cyberware/Robotic Parts if possible.

The first three are super easy to do, one line changes. The fourth is, relatively, easy to accomplish but is a question of whether it's worth adding at all as only one mod actually uses EU


This might be helpful to some ppl. I recently discovered that rewired has an option to tweak cyberware. Turning the option on gives cyberlimbs a few extra benefits: cyberarms give increased armor and increased attack speed, cyberlegs give increased armor and increased knockback resistance. This does make them kinda worth it. It also lowers their energy consumption a bit. Other augments still also draw power though, some draw a lot of power, so you'll have to power manage carefully. You can still pretty much recharge using only a metabolic generator while on-the-go. It takes a long time tho, so mind your power usage!


To add to this, it's slightly confusing to players having both Cybereyes and a HUD jack as separate items, it would probably be best to consolidate the two augment functions into a base feature of the Cybereyes


i added a config hook for setting the mining level of the Reinforced Fist with a default of iron level


i have also added the tolerance and ender jammer changes


good suggestions


There's something else I've thought of that could be interesting. Specifically in regards to the Cyberlimbs. The lower cost is a much easier pill to swallow but they don't do much to make them useful, They're used only if you have something else that requires them.

A good and possibly thematic use of the Legs would be a bonus to knockback resistance

Arms are a little trickier as the main thing that makes sense for them could be rather over powered. I would make it a stacking bonus for both arms to encourage people to want to actively replace their secondary arm even if they have no need to.

  • Attack Damage would make sense as you've replace flesh and bone with metal.
  • Speed also works but is potentially stronger than a straight up damage boost.
  • Increase Break Speed of Blocks depending on the number of Cyberarms

Original suggestions are already implemented, moving extra ones to separate issue to remove clutter.