Robotic Parts

Robotic Parts


[Suggestion] Registering Cyberzombie LootTable so LootTweaker can recognize it

KAfable opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Would it be possible to register the loottables for stuff like the Robosurgeon in Nether Fortress Chest and CyberZombies LootTables (I'm assuming they are a different entity/loot tables than regular zombies) so that utilities like LootTweaker can recognize them?


yeah i can look at loottables, that seems like a good compatibility fix.


The zombies may not be, their loot doesn't go through a table as they only drop augments and items they actually have in their possession. Best case scenario you could make the drop stuff from a loottable in addition to their normal stuff but as is you can stop the augments


that's a good point on the zombie only dropping what they have.


or lets look at it the other way around, equip the zombies based on the loot table(s)