Robotic Parts

Robotic Parts


More Parts

CTH999 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


So, this is a pretty intricit, Multi-section, suggestion!

  1. Robotic Torso- Basically, like the arms/ legs, but, the torso. The modules it allows is up to you!

  2. EMP- So, there is also an EMP module (Fires a pules) It disables cybernetic parts, but won't kill you (Might blind you if you have cyborg eyes) It lasts a few seconds (It's a status effect)

  3. Cyborg Brain- This is the heart of the suggestion! The idea is it's a chip that makes all parts behave better by x% (You decide what X is) It also, wait for it, removes tolerance. That may sound OP, but, it replaces it with a humanity meter! the lower it goes, the less, well, human you become. It won't kill you, or weaken you, but, well, it has bad effects! If you want, you can even put in 5 of these chips, and then remove the regular brain (Each new chip does another X%, and remothing the brain does (X+1)%)

I hope you like this, interesting, idea!




I really like a Cyborg brain allowing more implants! Maybe make it like a very rare or expensive upgrade so it wouldn't be too OP?

Also maybe some better way to generate power too? Like an internal reactor that uses expensive fuel cells for a more mobile robotic experience? Since hanging out on charging platforms is annoying.




Completely removing tolerance can't be balanced, whatever the cost. Instead we could have it increase the maximum tolerance which is already done by the Immunosuppressant augment. So what would be the counter? what would humanity do?


going with the idea of making the cyborg brain work like the immunosuppressant maybe it could reduce the amount of xp you get as a drawback


I think, brain replacement must not be just like 'remove arm and place robo arm'. Brain is actually you. To replace brain you need to copy 'you', your memory etc. So, you need a complex stuff to do it. Maybe it would be a great idea to add structure to world gen, some king of laboratory, and only there you can do this.


Adding an EMP implant seems oversized as it would typically not fit inside your body part.
As commented above brain replacement is now small feat and needs more stagging (late game access and only enable other implants). Closing in favor of #134