Robotic Parts

Robotic Parts


Lag goggles says you're a bit of a lagger. :V

Darkmega18 opened this issue ยท 16 comments


according to this section something about these events is causing some real soviet lag.


Do you think you could possibly take a look at optimizing or something?


while 43 ms and 38 ms is way too much, it's hard to see where the issue is without a more detailed profiling of the issue. Try Warmroast or VisualVM or something alike.

Also, is it Single Player or Multiplayer? how many players are online? what kind of augments are involved?
What other mods are installed?


well, I'm using a modpack called Transcendence that I made. RPG pack, but quite large regardless. It's multiplayer, only 2 people have played on said server so far, myself and someone else but at the time I saw this it was only me around my base with a radio tower hanging out looking at things in red after we had a lot of stuttering due to some things wigging out at the other base due to what I presume was errors at the time.

Also the server is not hosted anywhere where I can get to it directly to use a proper program like that. So how would I use warmroast or VisualVM don't I need to use it on the same machine or have someone activate it to see? would I need to get my server provider to help with it perhaps?


While those numbers are quite big, they don't really give any context. Generally speaking the more things that have the cyberware capbility the more update events that will be thrown.. that's further exacerbated by ReWIRED which add's even more augments as well as the ability to have certain entities spawn with cyberware.


could it be related to my radio tower spawning more cyber zombies etc? Is it just a constant tick thing related to making cyberware on entities work and replacing newly spawned ones? only context is just the event/class it relates to doing it. :V


download the world and profile it in single player?


I tried to do it, but processing power and ram constraints say no. :V too laggy always freezing cause of ram busting the max (already gets close if not on it from singleplayer by itself. only way I can play comfortably is actually over the server so it takes the processing :V). but even in a version of said world before I had the radio tower it was still up in the orange levels on lag goggles in the 22 ms area and around 14 ms for the second one.
Would you's be able to download the pack and i provide the world and then profile it out on your machine so you can get heads and tails of it more directly than I could?


well, for this problem you will have to launch java with mission control support and enable auto record execution details. This is what gives a detailed profile.
try running with the command:
java -XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures -XX:+FlightRecorder -XX:StartFlightRecording=duration=60h,filename=myrecording.jfr -Xmx -Xms -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui

replace the <> with your ammount of ram, and make sure the name of the forge jar is correct.
This will record all execution data from java to a file named myrecording.jfr.
Upload that file so we can open it and see the exact execution details needed to address the issue.


also i forgot to mention, you need Java development kit to do this, i think, if it does not work on default java configuration, install JDK


The lag is server side, hence the profiling needs to be done on the server. It seems you've added those arguments on your client, not the server.


well it's kinda hard then. cause the server is a server machine with multicraft and 8 other separate servers on it, in a data center somewhere. where most of the other servers are kinda just idle, but I still use mine periodically. and the owner said it doesn't have JDK on it. :V

so it didn't return anything useable? That was the most up to date version of the map. cause even when running client side with a much older backup of the map previous when trying to tinker with the profilers I was told by the lag goggles that the lag from cybernetics were still relatively off the chart (around half what they were server side with the current map, but still the biggest laggers of all as I mentioned above with the milliseconds).

so, does it matter? it'll still cause tickrate issues on the internal server run out of the client when the game runs singleplayer, right? or... does it not work that way? even after I was told above that to download the map and play it in singleplayer by you for the prior profiler programs I couldn't run due to ram issue lag?


You need to profile in single player then. Download the map or reproduce your setup with less mods?


now that helped a lot more. I did have JDK installed so that was alright. so I DL'd the world and ran it with those args in my game. Since like I mentioned, server is not on mine. Was a little occasionally freezy/laggy but it was doable.

so as ordered, got this out from it. hopefully that shines some light?
I had the map open over a bit of night, a day just hanging around doing minor stuff, then a night going outside and fighting mobs and stuff then stopped at dawn. All while being near my cybernetics lab and mainbase and radio tower. No cybernetics installed on me, only on the mobs who spawn and get spawned from the tower.


isn't that what I just did? or is profiling and getting the flight recorder to record the data two separate things which you are now collectively confusing me with?!


Uh, that was in singleplayer. I loaded the map client side as you told me to from a backup downloaded from the server. but it didn't get anything from the INTERNAL server that it was running within itself? D: oh boi... :V

to see what you're on about I took a "play" as I call it. and:
this looks important. something about entities and getting capabilities.

and other stuff about entity rendering and (item stack) in another section...
looks to me something related to maybe some really hardcore constant checking for entities with cyberwares and applying effects to them, sometimes to do with how big the stack is (batteries and bone segments) or something... which could relate to how a lesser backup of the map had only half as much lag back when the radio tower wasn't made yet vs the map this profile came out of when it had the tower making more skellies and zombies robots.

unrelated, but possibly related, I do remember I would have a graphical related crash when it came to using cybernetics that changed appearances like arms and stuff in my previous pack so I had to disable the renderer or it'd crash or at the very least spam me with openGL related errors. didn't know if it was more optifine related crap or something proper deadly though. dunno if related.


Flight recorder is a specific way to profile your application.
The profiling you've provided is running on the client while you're connected on a laggy server. This measure the client, but doesn't measure the server. The only valuable thing in there was that you've some outdated mods with known, already fixed lag issues.


Fixed in dev