Zero level cost for anvil recipe?
CommanderTvis opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I want to make recipes of metal plates in the anvil. But I can't set level cost of 0.
`import mods.rockycore.Anvil;
Anvil.addRecipe(embers:ingot_copper, embers:ingot_copper, embers:plate_copper, 0);`
`import mods.rockycore.Anvil;
Anvil.addRecipe(embers:ingot_copper, embers:ingot_copper, embers:plate_copper);`
Here are CraftTweaker logs:
It appears that RockyCore requires MTLib for the Anvil recipes. Install that and it should work.
It already is... https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/rocky-core/files/2537198