- 1
Multiple anvil recipes do not work.
#33 opened by DiiioBrando - 3
Cannot set 0 as the cost for anvil reciipes
#34 opened by blahthebiste - 1
How to remove a Merchant Trades
#35 opened by TsuneZebra - 3
CT Anvil Events (SOLVED/note on adding recipe functions. pls leave open)
#36 opened by Sethgno - 0
renaming items crash
#37 opened by Sethgno - 1
Issues with null recipe
#17 opened by Zergmazter - 1
Meta is ignored
#18 opened by Laike-Endaril - 1
MTLib dependency is not registering
#19 opened by Laike-Endaril - 19
Anvil recipies with NBT tags or anyDamage as input
#21 opened by 0xebjc - 7
Can't get remove anvil input script to work
#22 opened by ddd800 - 2
Merchant Functions
#23 opened by Boolyman - 17
Removeall Anvil recipes function and/or remove specific type of anvil recipes
#24 opened by ElectroBot - 1
Update docs to reflect modid change
#25 opened by pyrosshade - 2
Color codes not supported?
#26 opened by Zergmazter - 2
Crafting custom anvil recipe fail
#27 opened by Zergmazter - 1
[Question] Remove recipes
#28 opened by Dimentive - 1
Villager Trade Confusion
#29 opened by lynaevm - 0
[Question] Custom Anvil Recipes/Removal
#30 opened by GoldenDecoder - 1
[Merchant.addTrade] Error on executing script: IllegalArgumentException
#31 opened by Krutoy242 - 2
1.10.2 support
#1 opened - 1
Can you make it for 1.10.2 ?
#2 opened by Wintersky20 - 3
[All Versions] Mob Drops compatibility!
#3 opened by CluelessPhil - 1
Cannot create islands
#4 opened by WorseWaif - 16
Add ability to remove anvil "recipes"
#5 opened by stohun01 - 6
Suggestion: Tweaking Banner Recipes
#6 opened by Guinaro - 1
Suggestion: Enchantments control
#7 opened by Guinaro - 3
Error on world load
#8 opened by ulk-underscore - 8
[request] JEI support for disabled "recipes"
#9 opened by stohun01 - 3
The /ct merchant command doesn't appear to be working
#10 opened by belathus - 3
Recipe Functions for Anvils?
#11 opened by brisingraerowing - 4
Zero level cost for anvil recipe?
#12 opened by CommanderTvis - 1
Support for Item Conditions in Anvil recipes
#13 opened by ItsKestrel - 3
Recipe with experience cost of 0 is uncraftable
#15 opened by Laike-Endaril - 2
How do you remove a Trade?
#16 opened by StoneLegion