Rocky Tweaks

Rocky Tweaks


Suggestion: Enchantments control

Guinaro opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Suggestion: Control enchantments (across Enchantment table and Anvil)

  1. A way to prevent an item to be enchanted (by enchantment table/anvil).
  2. A way to prevent specific enchantments to be applied to an item.
  3. A way to limit the levels in a certain range of a specific enchantment to apply to an item.
  4. A way to limit the levels in a certain range of all possible enchantments to apply to an item
  5. A way to disable an enchantment to ever be used
  6. A way to limit the levels in a certain range for an enchantment across all items.
  7. Reflect those changes in JEI/JEI Resources, ...

Part of this is already possible via the Anvil remove mechanic.

  1. mods.rockycore.Enchantments.preventEnchanting();
  2. mods.rockycore.Enchantments.preventEnchantingWith(,"enchantmentname");
  3. mods.rockycore.Enchantments.limitEnchantingToRange(,"enchantmentname", level min, level max);
  4. mods.rockycore.Enchantments.limitEnchantingAllToRange(, level min, level max);
  5. mods.rockycore.Enchantments.disableEnchantment("enchantmentname");
  6. mods.rockycore.Enchantments.limitEnchantmentRange("enchantmentname", level min, level max);

Enchantmentname could also be enchantmentid ofcourse.
Possibly checks need to be made if the levels exist (or need to be made?).



I had previously thought about seeing what I could do with the Enchantment Table but I've yet to find the time to do so. I will likely keep the functionality completely divided as it is in CraftTweaker and RockyCore already and make a separate mods.rockycore.EnchantmentTable package and add what's needed but not currently possible to mods.rockycore.Anvil.