Rogue Hallow's Stone Redone [FABRIC]

Rogue Hallow's Stone Redone [FABRIC]


Mod Author: The Merry Rogue
Mod Version: 1.19.2-0.7 Beta
Latest upload date: 8/6/22
Original upload date: 5/25/22
Requirements: Fabric Mod Loader

This mod is a work in progress! Please comment with any feedback or bug reports!

Latest Updates

(v0.7 Beta, 8/6/22)

  • Mud Brick Stairs crafted at the Crafting Table now produce 6 stairs instead of 4
  • Added "survives_explosion" condition to loot tables for modded blocks that were missing it
  • Added several new blocks:
  • Basalt Slab
  • Polished Basalt Slab
  • Smooth Basalt Slab
  • Smooth Basalt Stairs
  • Smooth Basalt Wall
  • Calcite Slab
  • Calcite Stairs
  • Calcite Wall
  • Mossy Red Clay Bricks
  • Mossy Red Clay Brick Slab
  • Mossy Red Clay Brick Stairs
  • Mossy Red Clay Brick Wall

(v0.4 Beta, 6/27/22)

  • Fixed the Mossy Classic Chiseled Stone Block crafting recipe

(v0.3 Beta, 6/26/22)

  • Fixed a loot table issue causing cobbled variants to drop from standard stone types when mined with Silk Touch
  • Polished Stone and its stair, slab, and wall variants can now be made directly from Stone at the Stonecutter
  • Blackstone Buttons can now be made from standard Blackstone as well as Polished Blackstone
  • Added the new Deepslate Button and Deepslate Pressure Plate


Rogue Hallow's Stone Redone creates a common crafting flow for several stone types, as well as adding missing stair, slab, and wall variants, and new chiseled variants. In total over 100 new Vanilla-friendly blocks have been added to the game!

All affected stone types will now have the following characteristics:

  • The stone spawns in the world in its generic form, just like Vanilla (e.g. Andesite)
  • When mined without Silk Touch, the stone drops as its cobbled form (e.g. Cobbled Andesite)
  • The cobbled form can be smelted back into its generic form
  • The generic form can be placed into a stonecutter to create its polished form (e.g. Polished Andesite)
  • All generic, cobbled, and polished forms can be crafted into stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Stone types with brick and tile variants can be smelted to create their cracked forms (e.g. Cracked Blackstone Bricks)
  • The stair, slab, and wall variants of brick and tile blocks can also be smelted to create their cracked forms (e.g. Cracked Blackstone Brick Stairs)

Stone types which now conform to the normalized flow are:

  • Stone
  • Andesite
  • Diorite
  • Granite
  • Sandstone
  • Red Sandstone
  • Deepslate
  • Blackstone

Some Vanilla blocks have been renamed to fit the new flow. So, most Smooth and Cut stones becomes Polished; Sandstone variant names have been reorganized to make more sense; and Chiseled blocks have a new naming system based on what image is chiseled into them. Hopefully each stone's place in the normalized crafting flow becomes intuitive, rather than the hodgepodge of naming conventions employed by the Vanilla system.

The mod also contains these exciting additional features:

  • All stone stair recipes, both from Vanilla and those added by this mod, now produce 6 stairs at the Crafting Table instead of 4! No more lossy crafting!
  • Several stone types now have additional chiseled variants. Engrave some Deepslate with a Blackstone-style Piglin snout, or make a mossy version of the classic Chiseled Stone Bricks! Prismarine Bricks and Dark Prismarine even get their own chiseled variant, the Guardian!
  • The Nether Brick Fence family is expanded with Nether Brick Fence Gates, and Red Nether Brick Fences and Fence Gates!
  • Nether Bricks and Red Nether Bricks can be combined with Warped Fungus or Twisting Vines to create the new fungal variation, the Nether equivalent of mossy!
  • New: Red Clay Bricks can now be made mossy just like Stone Bricks! Cut them into mossy stairs, slabs, and walls at the Stonecutter!

Important Notes

  • This mod does not alter or in any way impact world generation. Blocks will form the way blocks will form; I've just tweaked what happens when they're mined and crafted.
  • This mod makes changes to many Vanilla recipes and loot tables, and will conflict with other mods that change the same files.

New Block List


  • Cobbled Andesite
  • Cobbled Diorite
  • Cobbled Granite
  • Cobbled Blackstone
  • Fungal Nether Bricks
  • Fungal Red Nether Bricks
  • Cracked Red Nether Bricks
  • Mossy Red Clay Bricks


  • Polished Stone Stairs
  • Cracked Stone Brick Stairs
  • Cobbled Andesite Stairs
  • Cobbled Diorite Stairs
  • Cobbled Granite Stairs
  • Cobbled Blackstone Stairs
  • Cracked Blackstone Brick Stairs
  • Deepslate Stairs
  • Cracked Deepslate Brick Stairs
  • Cracked Deepslate Tile Stairs
  • Polished Sandstone Stairs
  • Polished Red Sandstone Stairs
  • Netherrack Stairs
  • Fungal Nether Brick Stairs
  • Fungal Red Nether Brick Stairs
  • Cracked Nether Brick Stairs
  • Cracked Red Nether Brick Stairs
  • Calcite Stairs
  • Smooth Basalt Stairs
  • Mossy Red Clay Brick Stairs


  • Cracked Stone Brick Slab
  • Cobbled Andesite Slab
  • Cobbled Diorite Slab
  • Cobbled Granite Slab
  • Cobbled Blackstone Slab
  • Cracked Blackstone Brick Slab
  • Deepslate Slab
  • Cracked Deepslate Brick Slab
  • Cracked Deepslate Tile Slab
  • Netherrack Slab
  • Fungal Nether Brick Slab
  • Fungal Red Nether Brick Slab
  • Cracked Nether Brick Slab
  • Cracked Red Nether Brick Slab
  • Calcite Slab
  • Basalt Slab
  • Polished Basalt Slab
  • Smooth Basalt Slab
  • Mossy Red Clay Brick Slab


  • Stone Wall
  • Polished Stone Wall
  • Cracked Stone Brick Wall
  • Cobbled Andesite Wall
  • Polished Andesite Wall
  • Cobbled Diorite Wall
  • Polished Diorite Wall
  • Cobbled Granite Wall
  • Polished Granite Wall
  • Cobbled Blackstone Wall
  • Cracked Blackstone Brick Wall
  • Deepslate Wall
  • Cracked Deepslate Brick Wall
  • Cracked Deepslate Tile Wall
  • Sandstone Wall
  • Polished Sandstone Wall
  • Red Sandstone Wall
  • Polished Red Sandstone Wall
  • Prismarine Brick Wall
  • Dark Prismarine Wall
  • Netherrack Wall
  • Fungal Nether Brick Wall
  • Fungal Red Nether Brick Wall
  • Cracked Nether Brick Wall
  • Cracked Red Nether Brick Wall
  • Calcite Wall
  • Smooth Basalt Wall
  • Mossy Red Clay Brick Wall

Fences and Gates:

  • Nether Brick Fence Gate
  • Red Nether Brick Fence
  • Red Nether Brick Fence Gate

Chiseled Blocks:

  • Mossy Classic Chiseled Stone Block (the Vanilla "Chiseled Stone Bricks" design)
  • Piglin Chiseled Stone Block (the Vanilla "Chiseled Blackstone Bricks" design)
  • Mossy Piglin Chiseled Stone Block
  • Classic Chiseled Nether Block
  • Piglin Chiseled Nether Block
  • Classic Chiseled Red Nether Block
  • Piglin Chiseled Red Nether Block
  • Skeleton Chiseled Red Nether Block (the Vanilla "Chiseled Nether Bricks" design)
  • Classic Chiseled Blackstone Block
  • Classic Chiseled Deepslate Block
  • Piglin Chiseled Deepslate Block
  • Wither Chiseled Sandstone Block (the Vanilla "Chiseled Red Sandstone" design)
  • Creeper Chiseled Red Sandstone Block (the Vanilla "Chiseled Sandstone" design)
  • Guardian Chiseled Prismarine Block (new chiseled design!)
  • Guardian Chiseled Dark Prismarine Block
  • Fungal Classic Chiseled Nether Block
  • Fungal Piglin Chiseled Nether Block
  • Fungal Skeleton Chiseled Nether Block
  • Fungal Classic Chiseled Red Nether Block
  • Fungal Piglin Chiseled Red Nether Block
  • Fungal Skeleton Chiseled Red Nether Block


  • Deepslate Button
  • Deepslate Pressure Plate

Prospective Future Changes and Additions

None of these are set in stone (badum-tish) but I've got them on my radar. Let me know if you'd really like to see any of these changes and I'll bump them up on my list!

  • Create a Forge version of the mod
  • Make compatibility patches for any popular mods that conflict with this one
  • Add mod configuration options and/or supplemental files allowing users to pick certain stone names (e.g. Rhyolite for Stone and Grimstone for Deepslate)
  • Do something with Tuff -- maybe add it to the normalized flow, or at least make stairs, slabs, and walls
  • Add more chiseled variants
  • Add brick variants to stone types that lack them like Sandstone
  • Depending on user feedback, I may make modular versions that break cobbled variants, chiseled variants, and missing Vanilla variants into separate files for increased flexibility

If you have any suggestions about things I could add to the mod or ways I could implement what's already here in a more elegant or user-friendly manner, please let me know. I'm very open to feedback and constructive criticism.

Tools Used

  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2021 & 2022
  • GNU Image Manipulation Program
  • Affinity Photo
  • Notepad ++

Thanks to KaupenJoe for his YouTube tutorials!

Check out my other mods!

  • Bat Droppings: Bat mobs drop Batwings which can be turned into Leather
  • Dirty Mod: Adds new decorative blocks made from Dirt and Sand (coming soon!)
  • Dye Another Day: White, Black, Brown, and Green Dye can be made from alternate materials
  • The Ol' Pigskin: Pig mobs drop Leather