- 1
Sponge compatibility
#25 opened by tonnic - 1
No-material-config fails for ladder gun/Durability
#26 opened by noobanidus - 1
{1.12.2} break the bridge drop string,not rope
#29 opened by ianiiaannn - 1
[mod support] Macaws bridges
#31 opened by Foreck1 - 3
[1.15.2] Bridge Gun crashes server.
#32 opened by Gbergz - 1
Can't use rope ladder gun
#35 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Some bridge blocks connect incorrectly
#36 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Error when using with Spongeforge
#37 opened by kuhler-Stratege - 2
Not breaking whole bridge
#39 opened by KarlGrear - 0
Bridge gun builds partial bridge then crashes server
#40 opened by harrislapiroff - 0
Bridge Connecting Incorrectly
#41 opened by ChrisLTheNerd - 1
Not constructable
#42 opened by chuckles277 - 2
unclimbable ladders
#43 opened by Anhilowasntavailabewhotookit - 3
[Bug][1.3PR] Rope-Bridge may randomly break /help command
#1 opened by Aedda - 2
BB Gun is render in the wrong way (1.10.2)
#2 opened by Lightone - 2
[1.7.10] Rope Bridge view distance is too short.
#4 opened by LeoMantys - 1
[1.10.2] Server crash due to missing Class
#5 opened by Morpheus1101 - 1
Ladder gun FOV change affects everyone on servers. (Might only be in render range)
#8 opened by Claycorp - 1
Exception during creation
#7 opened by TomberWolf - 1
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 5
Rope bridge not recognising materials.
#9 opened - 1
#15 opened by Cazsius - 3
Config Option
#17 opened by Medusalem - 2
Rope Ladder replacing fluids [1.11.2]
#18 opened by UpcraftLP - 3
Rope bridge breaking not working [bug]
#19 opened by bcatly - 4
1.12.1 - Crash when launching controls in menu!
#20 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
1.12.2 Suffocation
#21 opened by scottosx - 1
Crafting Problem
#22 opened by Zaracan - 2
{ 1.12.2 } Editing the Config file doesn't do anything.
#23 opened by The1stRazer - 5
Crafting not working
#24 opened by DeMash077