Rotten Creatures

Rotten Creatures


Configuration file .toml is not correct

Timkokain opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The forge server prints out a message:

[main/WARN] []: Configuration file /data/config/rottencreatures-common.toml is not correct. Correcting

At the same time, he tries to re-create the mod's settings file. But it does it wrong.
I think the mod generates a settings file with custom representations of setting names instead of key names.
This is what it generates:

["Mob Spawns"]
	#determines how often will Burneds spawn
	"Burned Weight" = 20
	#determines how often will Frostbittens spawn
	"Frostbitten Weight" = 80
	#determines how often will Glacial Hunters spawn
	"Glacial Hunter Weight" = 20
	#determines how often will Swampies spawn
	"Swampy Weight" = 80
	#determines how often will Undead Miners spawn
	"Undead Miner Weight" = 20
	#determines how often will Mummies spawn
	"Mummy Weight" = 20
	#determines how often will Dead Beard spawn
	"Dead Beard Weight" = 1
	#determines the chance of spawning for Immortals
	"Immortal Chance" = 0.025

and this is how i try to fixed it:

	#determines how often will Burneds spawn
	burned_weight = 20
	#determines how often will Frostbittens spawn
	frostbitten_weight = 80
	#determines how often will Glacial Hunters spawn
	glacial_hunter_weight = 20
	#determines how often will Swampies spawn
	swampy_weight = 80
	#determines how often will Undead Miners spawn
	undead_miner_weight = 20
	#determines how often will Mummies spawn
	mummy_weight = 20
	#determines how often will Dead Beard spawn
	dead_beard_weight = 1
	#determines the chance of spawning for Immortals
	immortal_chance = 0.025

But it did not help. When the server starts, it continues to produce backup copies of the settings.


And here is the message in the logs:

 [main/WARN] []: Incorrect key Mob Spawns.Immortal Chance was corrected from 0.025 to its default, 0.025. 

i don't think it should be like that