Roundabout: The JoJo Mod

Roundabout: The JoJo Mod


Roundabout is a mod by Hydraheads based on the popular anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, where ordinary people develop supernatural powers. Roundabout seeks to faithfully recreate the world of Jojo into the world of Minecraft, in a way that fits into the MC aesthetic and design philosophy. It expands the game's combat, building options, exploration, and world building, while having controls that are easy to understand and intuitive. 

Disclaimer: This mod is in open alpha, so there are only a couple of stands in the game, please understand that it will take time to make more and maintain quality. :)

We have a wiki, check it out for some in depth explanations!

In this mod, you can acquire stand powers by using a stand arrow. Stand arrows can be acquired through crafting with meteorites found across the world, but they can also be dug up through archaeology. By using 15 experience levels, you can give yourself a stand. The arrow tells you what stand it is holding when you first interact with it, and you can spend 1 experience level to randomly change it by sneaking when you interact with it. 

But other mobs can also be stand users- every mob has a 1 in 20 chance to spawn worthy of a stand. The stand arrow vibrates near worthy mobs, and if you use a bow you can shoot the mobs with it, making them acquire the stand that the arrow says it is holding.

When a peaceful mob acquires a stand, it will develop fighting instincts, so it can now defend itself. This means you can eventually breed for pets with stands, and maybe eventually have a village of only stand users. This works with mobs from other mods, too. The only limit is your imagination!

In addition -to this, 0.5% of all mobs have the chance to spawn naturally with a stand. This means you will occasionally stumble upon a monster that is harder to deal with, or an animal that fights back when you go to kill it. Just like in Jojo, only stand users can see stands, so you will be confronting the unknown until you yourself have a stand!

Press R by default to summon and desummon your stand, and sneak/crouch gives you access to even more moves. Often times, blocking does as well.

There are currently 2 stands in the mod, and 1 that is a work in progress. Many more will be added over time.

Star Platinum:

Star Platinum is a powerful, well-rounded stand that focuses on its incredible precision. It can zoom in like a sniper, and throw blocks and items with 100% accuracy very far away. It has powerful attacks, and the ability to stop time. Its throw ability is very good for building, and it can do big leaps giving it good mobility.

The World:

The World is a stand that focuses on power, making it a less accurate Star Platinum that can dish out more attacks at a closer range. Like Star Platinum, it is useful for building and has good mobility. It can stop time for 9 whole seconds when its timestop is fully charged, giving you a lot of time to think and act.


Justice is a work in progress stand. It can cast a fog over a large area, allowing it to enter the wounds of bleeding mobs and throw them around. It increases your building and attack speed, and you can use it to shapeshift into other mobs with illusion disguises. If you look like a villager, you have fixed trade rates and golems never attack you. If you appear as a zombie, however, villagers run in terror and golems attack you.

Justice is not currently obtainable in survival, but once it gets the rest of its abilities it will be. These will include illusionay blocks, fake walls, corpse puppetry, piloting to control the corpses from a top down perspective, and fog clones.


Based on Iggy from Part 3 of Jojo, which is a Boston Terrier. Terriers spawn somewhat infrequently in deserts, or occasionally in the same biomes wolves do. They are functionally identical to wolves, but occasionally make different noises and eat coffee flavored gum.

Roundabout features a variety of items, with the goals of adding fun and decorative blocks, cool new weapons and combat options, and providing counters to overpowered vanilla features.


Knives are crafted for the cheap price of one iron nugget and one stick. They can be thrown quickly individually, or in bundles of 4. They inflict bleed, and can stack up to do quite a bit of damage. Bleed is a status effect that fights against healing from eating food (saturation), so it is essential for pvp. Time stop shenanigans may ensue...


Based on the Harken Scythe mod, and the weapon Jack the Ripper uses in Part 1. Glaives are in between the speed and power of axes and swords. They can be charged by holding right click, and released to inflict bleed 2. Glaives leave blood puddles. Endermen bleed ender blood which teleports you if you step on it, and insect mobs bleed hemolymph which is sticky and slows you down as you walk over it.

Gasoline and Matches:

Gasoline cans can be thrown to paint the ground with gasoline. Gasoline slows down mobs that walk over it, and make it hard for players to escape. Once it makes contact with fire, matches, etc, gasoline explosions occur. They can be quite powerful, and set things on fire for a long time.


Locacaca fruit grow in Jungles, and you can occasionally find their pits in shipwreck. Locacaca can be planted in the ground, and produce fruit when fully matured. You can then eat the fruit to fully heal yourself- but it comes at the cost of turning a body part to stone. If you break a fully matured locacaca plant, you get its branch, which you can then place on top of a cactus to start growing the new locacaca- which is essential to curing stone body parts. It reflects damage onto others with equivalent exchange.

And More:

Luck Sword is made from smithing, harpoons are found in Nether forts and have anti-air properties, scissors are fast bleed weapons that can sheer things, the stereo can play music discs- which roundabout adds more of, and barbed wires do damage to you based on the speed you run into them at. We even have the Joestar Family statue of the Goddess of Love.

Locaca fruits can grow in Jungles, locacaca are as seen in the items section!

Meteor Sites:

Meteor sites spawn throughout the world. They are one method of getting stand arrows. If you have difficulty finding them, meteorites also drop from stand user enemy mobs. Eventually, there will be medium and large meteor sites as well.

Meet the Dev Team:

Lead Developer:

Hydraheads: sometimes known as Hydrabread, or simply Hydra. I am the creator of Jojovein, and the main coder of the Roundabout mod. I am a computer science major with a passion for game design, and I want to make a mod that people love to play! I hope you enjoy! ^^

Modeling and Animations:

GenericName: has created many models and animations, he has been helping me since the beginning of this journey.

Garlic: creates some impressive animations for the mod, like the stand barrages, and does major touchups for textures and models. A friendly fellow who also makes models for the JCraft: Eyes of Ender Jojo mod!

DarkkJon: Another animator, who has contributed a lot of cool animations like stands getting barraged and the mining barrage. Thank you Jon, you're awesome.

FunkyKing: Another modeler, who offers much support. Really cool dude.

Sprite Art:

Blugnib/Cheeseballjack: Makes sprites for the mod, and they rock. Really feel like they fit into vanilla.

Other Programmers:

Standobyte: the creator of Ripples of the Past, a fellow Jojo mod, he occasionally makes minor code fixes.


Feu_Ghost: French Translation, Alex Herz / Hevian / LordKronos: Spanish Translation, Ironfc8games: Brazilian Portuguese Translation, Hel Fer Ad / Lil Liver: Russian Translation, BraisedChicken: Chinese, Mr Glut: Polish

Stay up to date on the mod developement, join the discord!