RPG Craft V1.0

RPG Craft V1.0


Artisanat RPG

It's up to you to discover the Crafts (to help you there is the Jei mod)

the mod is far from finished so if you have any concept ideas don't hesitate

Book :


- Plant Book :

Livre de plantes 


- Used to lay a grass block
      where we want

Fire Book : 


Livre de feu


- Used to place a fire block
     where we want



Book of Lightning :



Livre de foudre


- Used to place lightning
       where we want

Bois :



Cane: Improved Wooden Sword

Log: Large pieces of wood
Icône de validation par la communauté

Ruby :




Ruby: used to trade with villagers
      Ruby bag: 10 rupees

Underpants :


- Used to have less recoil during an attack

For any other questions, ask them in the comments.