Introduces an alternative/replacement/addition to the traditional crafting system. It is heavily inspired by games like Valheim and Terraria.
RPG Crafting adds a custom recipe type, similar to the stone cutter recipe type, but instead of a single item the crafting input can contain multiple items.
It also adds several blocks which open different screens on interaction.
The mod does not add crafting recipes for the new system, however.
The traditional system provides a grid for ingredients, where the pattern made with ingredient items determines the output.
RPG Crafting takes the "stone cutter approach" and takes it to the next level. The player can select a recipe out of a list of unlocked recipes. The ingredients are (by default) taken out of the players inventory.
RPG Crafting uses simple ingredient lists. While this might look not as interesting as the vanilla system, it has several advantages
- multiple recipes can have the same ingredients
- ingredient amounts are not restricted
- unique recipe patterns are not required
Recipes are defined via data packs. Example:
"type": "rpgcrafting:rpg_crafting_recipe",
"category": "misc",
"ingredients": [
"item": "minecraft:oak_planks"
"item": "minecraft:oak_planks"
"item": "minecraft:oak_planks"
"item": "minecraft:oak_planks"
"item": "minecraft:stick"
"item": "minecraft:stick"
"result": {
"id": "minecraft:oak_fence",
"count": 3
"level": 1,
"tab": 1,
"recipeType": "STANDARD"
- "type", has to be "rpgcrafting:rpg_crafting_recipe" for RPG Crafting to recognise it.
- "category", should always be "misc". This is used by the vanilla recipe book to display recipes in different categories, but RPG Crafting doesn't use this feature.
- "ingredients", a list of ingredients, that must be present in the input inventories and which are consumed upon crafting. Like for vanilla recipes, this supports items and item tags.
- "result", an item stack that is given to the player upon crafting
- "level", an integer. This determines which level the crafting station has to be at a minimum.
- "tab", an integer. This determines at which crafting station this recipe is crafted.
- 0: handcrafting
- 1 to 4: the different tabs in the Crafting Bench screen
- "recipeType", either "STANDARD" or "SPECIAL". This is not used, when the "tab" is set to 0.
Recipes can optionally have a description, that is displayed on crafting screens and the recipe list.
The localization key has the following syntax:
Note that "recipe_path" must include eventual subfolders in the recipe directory.
This screen is the most complex of the three.
Interacting with 'crafting tab provider blocks' opens this screen. Depending on the block, a different "tab" is initially selected.
Each of these tabs represents a different crafting station and has two sub categories, "STANDARD" and "SPECIAL".
Each tab shows only the recipes that can be crafted at that crafting station and of the currently selected sub category.
By default, there are 4 Crafting Tab Provider Blocks which look like a crafting table, an anvil, a cauldron and a furnace.
If other 'crafting tab provider blocks' are in a configurable radius around the interacted block, the corresponding tab can be accessed via a button.
Each crafting tab has a level. It is 0 by default and can be increased by placing specific blocks in a configurable radius around the interacted block. This is controlled by block tags.
The stash is an additional player specific inventory, similar to the ender chest inventory. Both inventories can be accessed by interacting with 'storage area provider blocks'.
Depending on the 'storage area provider block' different slots of those inventories are accessible. If other 'storage area provider blocks' are in a configurable radius around the interacted block, the corresponding slots are accessible, too.
There is also a button that toggles 'stash crafting'. When enabled, items in the stash/ender chest inventory are used for crafting.
Handcrafting is a special "crafting station", that is accessed via a hotkey/button. This screen doesn't have different tabs.
The level of handcrafting is determined by the new entity attribute "generic.hand_crafting_level".
Handcrafting checks the players inventory for ingredients.
This screen has a single inventory slot in addition to the player inventory and is accessed via a hotkey/button.
The recipe list will show every single recipe, that has the item in the slot as an ingredient.
The "Craft" button can not be clicked, but it shows which level of which crafting station is required for the recipe.
Data and resource Packs, game rules and the config files can be used to extensively customize this mod.