Favor action does not trigger perk cooldowns
kyragit opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Creating a perk with the favor action does not seem to trigger the cooldown, it is always zero. Forge version 36.2.33, RPG Gods version 16.5.4.
Have you confirmed that the favor action runs successfully? If the action cannot run, it will not trigger cooldown.
Here, I just tested it again to make sure and yeah, it's still happening.
{ "icon": { "item": "minecraft:dirt" }, "range": { "deity": "custom:gna", "minlevel": 0, "maxlevel": 10 }, "condition": [ { "type": "random_tick" }, { "type": "structure", "data": "minecraft:village" } ], "action": [ { "type": "favor", "favor": 25, "id": "custom:gna" } ], "cooldown": 12000, "cooldown_category": "village_favor" }