- 0
Duplication bug
#1 opened by skyjay1 - 0
Hephaestus breaking tools instead of repairing
#2 opened by skyjay1 - 0
Mainhand item tags say "When holding [air]" instead of the tag name in the god GUI
#3 opened by kyragit - 3
Favor action appears to be completely broken.
#4 opened by kyragit - 1
Using /reload doubles all of my custom god's perks, offerings, and sacrifices
#5 opened by kyragit - 1
BUG in thunder of Zeus.
#8 opened by luquinhas53 - 0
Crash in JEI
#6 opened by AveryCorvus - 6
Favor action does not trigger perk cooldowns
#7 opened by kyragit - 2
RPGgods 1.16.5
#10 opened by Orangejewce92 - 0
[RPGGods] Favor resets upon death
#9 opened by Vitalcord - 1
Server Crash on world generation
#11 opened by HavokHurricane - 0
Brazier recipe missing in 1.19.2
#12 opened by skyjay1 - 0
Would it be possible to make it so an item tag can be used in offerings?
#13 opened by ultixon - 1
[Suggestion] Add the ability to have perk conditions be OR in the same way you can check for two conditions?
#14 opened by miad2401 - 1
Can't burn diamonds for Zeus
#15 opened by UghItsBrit - 1
Unable to get custom altars/textures to load correctly
#16 opened by Gorithian - 2
RPG Gods + Forbidden & Arcanus - Go around Level Cap!
#18 opened by 3less - 0
#19 opened by Emanuelfab - 2
[Question] there a way to lock a Deity, how would one unlock it? (coding related)
#20 opened by Child-0f-Night - 0
Opening the rpggods menu crashes the game (1.19.2)
#21 opened by Gabe-JAMs - 0
mod conflict
#22 opened by al-wei