RPG stats

RPG stats


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This mod add a new menu that allows you to upgrade up to 6 current stasts, you can upgrade your max health, strength, knockback resistance, attack speed, movement speed and your luck, you will only be able to upgrade a few times each stat but this will depend of your level also needing more xp levels each amount of levels. This Stats will be reset you to level 0 after you die, or you can restart your stats by using an object that will restart your player level and give some XP in compensation.

It also add some new recipies for the chainmail armor and saddle.

Example: From level 0-20 you will spend 2 xp levels each time you upgrade a stat, 21-40 is 4 xp levels, 41-60 is 6 xp levels, 61-80 is 8 xp levels, 81-100 is 10 xp levels, and avove 100 is 20 xp levels.

Example: You can upgrade your health in 5 points but you will not be able to upgrade it again until you pass the level 20, once you pass that level you will be able to upgrade your health 5 points more, the amount of times that you can upgrade a stat depends of that one, but when you make it up to the level 80 you will be free to upgrade your stats as you want.

Config addition

Stats upgrade value:

This values are the amount that the stat will upgrade each level.

Example: Health base value is 1, this mean that each level you upgrade of health you will get 1 health point more, if you change it to 4 then each time you upgrade it will give you 4 points of health.

Stats limit per level:

This is made in 6 sections, each section meaning a player level that set the limit of the stat and the xp needed.  (read the firsts examples in the start)

Example: On section 1-4 is use the equal or lower for the levels, meaning that you have the limit of your stat until that level, if the level is 20 then the player has a limit to upgrade it's stats until it surpasses that level, section 5 use a lower.

Section 1 is lower or equal to level 20, Section 2 is lower or equal to level 40, Section 3 is lower or equal to level 60, Section 4 is lower or equal to level 80, Section 5 is below level 100, Section 6 is level 100 to higher.

Stats limit in section 1-4:

It states the limit of each stat per each section.

Example: If section 1 is set as 35 then the player will have that limit of that stat until the player get to level 36 or higher.

(Take in mind that each stat you upgrade will always give you one player level)

Xp needed per section:

You change the amoun of xp needed to upgrade each stat depending of the section.

Please comment if anything.