A highly configurable structures mod, with a smart NPC to sell maps and guide you in discovery, and structures that hint to vanilla features taking inspiration from Broken Nether Portals.
Feeling brave? You can try the latest in-dev release here!
Adapted from a mod made for the italian streamer Cydonia, as such also contains discs, trims, and more with content from his community and assorted easter eggs (also configurable). Also, it contains a custom world preset (Growsseth) that generate the world with the same seed as his run, and the mod's structures in the positions they were placed in it.
The mod features cut content and other features not seen in the original run, most importantly a progression quest for the Researcher NPC.
Finally, the mod includes a web-tool to act as a Gamemaster to another player's run, similarly to Cydonia's original run, being able to spawn structures, tweak trades, and send notifications.
See the Modrinth or Curseforge page, and the WIKI for more information. For bug reports check the Issues, for ideas and suggestions check the Discussions.
The mod currently is available for Fabric, and a test build is available for Neoforge.
The Fabric version requires Fabric API and Resourceful Config, while the Neoforge version requires Resourceful Config and Kotlin for Forge. If using Fabric, Mod Menu is highly suggested for a simpler configuration UI ingame.
The mod also includes FilloaxLib, so it's not needed to be installed (for now).
Ruslan Fanclub:
- Filloax (Lead Programmer)
- Krozzzt (Programming and Writing)
- Reivaxelain (Art, Structures and Writing)
- bb01 (Structures, Additional Writing and Additional Testing)
- SkullFury (Original member, Datapack Management)
- Vovalcool (Original member, Structures)
- Everyone: Design and Testing
- Sync_Gabri (Supervisor, Coordinator and Writer for the Cydonia's version) and Worgage (API Integration, Testing and Writing for the Cydonia's version) from the Project Egobalego team
- Simone Russo (Sound Effect)
- Farcr (Guber texture)
Musical artists:
- Il Coro di Mammonk (Ancora Qui, La Ballata Del Respawn, Il Tesoro Di CacoCaco, La Missiva Nell'Ombra, Odi et Amo, Oursteps, Elogio a Padre Mammonk, Pesci Strani)
- Singalek (Binobinooo, Giorgio Cubetti, Giorgio Lo-Fi)
- HunterProduction (Giorgio Finding Home)
- Hawkelele (Giorgio Cub8bit)
- Ako & R-E-M (Abbandonati)
- Guber (Una sega di niente)
As this mod wouldn't have been possible without the help of the community, and most mods code being freely available only to be able to look at examples of how things are done, feel free to use this mod to look at examples of how to do the thing it does, as we do various specific and niche things in this mods' features (but do note that this is Filloax and Krozzzt's first minecraft mod). In particular (also to aid google searches that might be needing this), this mod contains examples of:
- Explorer maps that lead to villages with specific houses
- Disabling/enabling structures and village houses via config and not only datapack
- Language settings for structure elements, books, signs (nyi), etc.
- Locate structure functionality with timeout
- NPCs with dialogue
- Detecting if a player has explored a structure
- Connecting to external endpoints for special interactions (referring to the Gamemaster functionalities)
- Spawning leashed entities in structures
- Custom merchant villager-like entities
I plan to release some of the mod features (like language settings for structure texts, NPCs, and such) as a library sooner or after; for now the mod is not available with maven to add support, will try to do it as it gets out of pre-release.
Uses Favouriteless's template, with added kotlin mod stuff.