



Welcome to yet another one of my mods! I haven't posted in a while, but now i'm back, and with it comes a new mod!

(Modrinth page can be found here)


Runestones is a mod which adds a new type of tool to your game: Runestones. (who would've guessed..) Runestones are useable items usually with around 64 durability. Each runestone has a unique effect, ranging from simply giving potion effects, to conjuring up a sword.


Plain Runestone

The main resource used for all basic runestones, it has no special ability, and is made with 1 stone and 4 amethyst shards

The plain runestone

Strength Runestone

This runestone grants the user strength for 12 seconds, with a 24 second cooldown

The strength runestone

Swiftness Runestone

This runestone grants the user speed for 10 seconds, with a 21 second cooldown

The swiftness runestone

Resistance Runestone

This runestone grants the user resistance for 15 seconds, with a 31 second cooldown

The resistance runestone

Fury Runestone

This runestone grants the user strength for 9 seconds and haste 2 for 10 seconds, with a 27 second cooldown

The fury runestone

Thunder Runestone

This runestone summons lightning on targets in a 8 block radius, but it doesn't target some mobs in particular, such as wolves, villagers, and others. It also doesn't target entities that aren't considered "living" (items, boats, item frames, ect). However, they still target wandering traders. Have as much fun killing them as you want

The thunder runestone

Restoration Runestone

This runestone heals the player by 6 health (or 3 hearts) when used, with a 20 seconds cooldown

The restoration runestone in a cave

Blade Runestone

This runestone grants the user with a spirit blade that lasts for 15 seconds and has a 30 second cooldown, The blade has 7.5 attack damage and 1.7 attack speed. Putting the blade in item frames or dropping it simply deletes both of them when the sword would usually disappear in your inventory.

The blade runestone and the spirit blade


Arcane Runestone

The main resource for crafting more complex runestones, it's made with a normal runestone and an end crystal in a smithing table (if you're on fabric, it's crafted together instead)

The arcane runestone

Flight Runestone

This runestone gives the user creative flight for 1.5 seconds, with a 34 second cooldown (Not actually made with an elytra)

The flight runestone



The effect gained when using the Flight Runestone, it grants creative flight when active

The flight status effect applied on a player


Q: Quilt?

A: Just use the fabric version

Q: Will you backport fabric to below/above 1.20.1 and 1.20.4? Or forge below/above 1.19.2?

A: No. Porting versions is buggy, annoying and generally unenjoyable. Modding is my passion project. If i dont enjoy modding, i won't mod. The only exception is most likely Forge 1.19.4

Q: Can i use this in my modpack?

A: Sure, You can give credit if you want, but i won't enforce it.

Check out some of my other mods!

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