Eidolon's Sanguine Arsenal

Eidolon's Sanguine Arsenal



The Decursio Team presents to you the Sanguine Arsenal mod. This is an addon for the Eidolon mod which aims to add a series of powerful items and weapons that would assist you in combat. 


Right now this mod's main features are a set of Armor, two Weapons and a Curios item:

Praetor's Armor - This is an upgrade to the Warlock set. It is capable of providing effects based on the dimension you're in.
Scepter of Blood - This is a staff which deals lots of damage, both on the melee and on the ranged side.
Praetor's Scythe - This is the mod's most powerful weapon, as it has two special abilities, one being passive, and the other being a ranged attack.

Blood Flask - Use to augment the abilities of the Praetor's Armor. Just wear it in the Curios slot to get stronger potion effects and increased Blood capacities.

This mod is configurable, meaning that, through the mod's config file, you can choose how much damage each weapon should deal and how much protection should you receive from the armor (WIP - Some configs may not work as intended, yet).

Note that this mod is NOT finished and its gameplay mechanics are subject to change. New items may also be added. Bugs can also be expected. If that's the case, please report them at the Decursio Team official Discord server or on GitHub.


1. Right now, the config files for the Scepter of Blood and the Praetor's Scythe won't allow values lower then '-3.5' for the Attack Speed. Anything lower then that, will make these weapons useless. The absolute minimum is '-3.5', which will make them very slow.




This armor was designed with the Wither Boss Fight in mind. While wearing the full set, you will be immune to the Wither Effect. You will also receive different potion effects based on the dimension you're in:

Overworld - Resistance

Nether - Strength

End - Slow Fall

Atum (If installed) - Haste

Twilight Forest (if installed) - Speed


This set of armor was highly inspired by Thaumcraft's Crimson Cultists.


This addon introduces a new System into the game. While wearing the Praetor set, you'll be given access to the Blood Bar. After killing Mobs (passive/aggressive), a Blood Bar will appear on your screen. Each kill will fill the bar little by little, until it is full. That's when you'll be able to activate the Blood Aura.


Think of the Blood Aura as some sort of Rage Mode. Once the Blood Bar is full, you can activate the Blood Aura by pressing the 'B' key on your keyboard. Once it's activated, you will receive Regeneration II. Also, the effect provided by the dimension you're in, will be boosted. For example, Resistance will become Resistance II. Your Blood Bar will also start to drain. The Regeneration Effect will be provided as long as you have Blood on you Blood Bar. Note that this feature is configurable, so you can choose how fast/slow the Blood Bar will drain. You can also configure other options, such as, how much Blood should you receive from killing certain mobs.


While you have some Blood on your Blood Bar, you'll be able to perform a ranged attack with the Scepter of Blood! The Scepter can also be used without the Praetor armor, but the ranged attack will NOT be available.


While you have some Blood on your Blood Bar, you'll be able to launch the Praetor's Scythe in a 15 block area around you. If any Hostile Mobs are detected in this area, the Scythe will target that mob, flying towards it, dealing a healthy amount of damage, and then, returning back to you, the owner. The Scythe can also be used without the Praetor armor, but the throwing ability will NOT be available. It will deal great amounts of melee damage. It will also act like it's enchanted with a very high level of the Sweeping Edge enchantment.


This mod has support for the Classic Bars mod. If these mods are installed together, you can have the Blood Bar with a different appearance. Go to the classicbar-client.toml located at instance/config/classicbar-client.toml. There, in the `right-order` field, add `"bloodaura"` between `"feathers"` and `"armortoughness"`. Things should look like this:

right_order = ["blood", "healthmount", "food", "feathers", "bloodaura", "armortoughness", "thirst", "air", "flighttiara", "decay"]
Make these changes with the game closed. After finishing them, start the game, and look at your new Blood Bar!


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