Based on the simple concept of Midas Touch and expanded out to include different materials. This mod provides randomly spawned zombies containing different materials, textures, and duration on their ability. Providing for an interesting RPG element quark in adventuring. Get hit by one and it might touch you long enough to turn all your armor to gold. Hit by another you might end up with a nice suit of diamond... or hit by a third and those diamonds all become dust.
Modpack Configuration Options
- Spawn Weight - how likely the zombie is to spawn
- Conversion chance - how likely each hit will convert each armor or held item (chance is run per item)
- Conversion Limit - how many times can a zombie try to convert items before losing its ability
- Conversion Timer - how long can the zombie keep its ability
- Materials: Leather, Stone, Iron, Chain, Gold, Diamond
- Automatic handling for common tools and armor
- Textures for each type to help ID zombies
- Glow effect to help ID zombies
- Name tags for each type
- Timers to decay ability to prevent abuse
- Conversion limit to prevent abuse
- Random chance to spice up gameplay
Planed Additions
- Json customization of conversions
- Json addition of new materials
- Mod API for the above (Already exists but not exposed)
- Handling for existing mods (copper, tin, etc)
- Non-conversion abilities (damage armor, set fire, turn armor to dust, invert held)
- Custom visuals for zombies
Single Block Mod
The Single Block Mod series is dedicated to creating a wide range of simple single purpose mods. Focusing for most on having one block/unit of content refined to offer as many options and choices as possible. This makes many of the mods in the series perfect for filling gaps in modpacks. Allowing pack developers to reduce the need to include larger mods to complete a feature list.
See our site for other mods in the series http://www.builtbroken.com/addons.html
Join us on Esper.net IRC #BuiltBroken #BuiltBrokenModding
or on Discord https://discord.gg/MDQ9DrN
Issues or bugs
If you have any issues please report them to our issue tracker on Github.com. You can get to the issue tracker by clicking the issue button at the top of the mod page. If you do not see this button visit https://github.com/BuiltBrokenModding and navigate to the correct mod repository. If you have a crash report please paste it into a site like pastebin.com before submitting to improve readability of the issue ticket.