Scaly Additions

Scaly Additions



Scaly Additions mod is a MCreator mod in which you'll find 2 new ores (one of which is useful for now), whole new armor and tool set, bunch of cool custom enchantments, new foods, achievements etc. The mod is not big, so it still feels vanilla-like while expanding the game a bit further, especially in field of combat.


The main part of the mod, dragonite is a special new material. To obtain it, you first need to go to the end and search for enderite ore. It can be generated anywhere between y=0 and y=40. From enderite ore, you get enderite dust which you can smelt in blast furnaces to get enderite nuggets. With 9 enderite nuggets, you can craft an enderite ingot. On a smithing table, put enderite ingot and merge it with a netherite ingot and you will get a Dragonite Ingot!

Then, dragonite ingots can be used to upgrade any of your netherite gear into dragonite gear (except shovels and hoes), which has more armor points/durability/damage/efficiency/enchantability...

There are three achievements concerning enderite and dragonite, so look out for them too :)


As of now, there are 17 custom enchanments added, with 3 being special "mythic" enchantments and 1 being a curse. Some of them can be gained on a enchanting table, some can't but can be found in villager trades, and some can't be traded or enchanted and must be found as treasure loot. Here's a quick recap of currently existing enchantments with:

Green for found in enchanting table, villager trades and loot

Gold for found only in villager trades and loot

Orange for found only in loot

Red for curse enchantments

Purple for mythic enchantments that can only be gained on Empowered Enchanthing Table

RESOLVE: Chestplate and elytra mythic enchantment. When bellow 8/10 HP (elytra/chestplate), every time you take damage there is a chance (double at enc level 2, always lower for elytra) you heal for 1HP.

LIFESTEAL:  Sword mythic enchantment. Every time you kill something, heal and get extra XP. Mobs: the more HP mob had, the more healing and XP, If health is full, chance to get some saturation instead, and gives you a short boost of strength effect (which also scales with mob HP). Animals: 1 HP and 2XP, no chance for saturation and no strength effect. Cannot be combined with Scavenging and/or Collector!

CONSUMPTION: Pickaxe mythic enchantment. Every time you break a block, has a chance to increase your XP and saturation. The higher your level, the higher the chances. If your level is 50 or above and your pickaxe is at 30% durability or lower and you have mending, mining a block will take away a few levels of XP to fully repair your pickaxe. Cannot be combined with Collector!

TILLING: Hoe enchantment. Tills from 4 (level 1) up to 24 (level 4) blocks (dirt/grass/grass path/podzol) around the right-clicked block into farmland.

PINNING: Bow enchantment that slows down entities that are shot for a while. Higher levels: longer slow and higher slow level.

RUSH: Legging enchantment. Every time you take damage, there's a chance (higher with level) to get speed 3 for a short duration (duration also higher with level).

VISIONS: Helmet enchantment. Every time a mob sets you as his attack target, get night vision and make the mob glow. 

FINE CUTTING: Shears enchantment. Shearing sheep gets you extra string (to craft into wool), mooshrooms for extra mushrooms, "shearing" cows kills them over a short duration and drops a lot of leather, and "shearing" zombies or slimes damages them and drops rotten flesh/slime balls every time they are damaged.

AGILITY: Legging enchantment. When you are continuously running and jumping with no stops for a certain amount of time, get speed and jump boost for as long as you're still running and jumping. After a while, turns into speed 2 and jump 2. Costs saturation (food).

SCAVENGING:Sword and bow/crossbow enchantment. Baby version of Lifesteal. Every time you kill something, get bonus xp and chance for saturation boost. Mobs: XP and Saturation chance scale with mob HP. Animals: 1XP and tiny chance for saturation. Note: in minecraft when your saturation is full, you heal. Cannot be combined with Lifesteal and/or Collector!

BURST:Bow enchantment. Like shotgun, shoots extra arrows at close to medium range. Works with flame too. Higher level: more arrows and more accuracy.

COLLECTOR:Sword and pickaxe enchantment. Greatly increases wither skeleton skull drop chances (for sword) and enderite ore drops (for pickaxe), a lot more than looting or fortune. Costs crazy amounts of durability, XP and saturation every time you kill/mine a block. Cannot be combined with Lifesteal, Consumption, Scavenging, Looting, Fortune, Mending or Unbreaking!!!

MARKING:Weapon enchantment. Every time you damage a monster, mark that monster (long duration) and all nearby monsters (short duration) with glowing. Higher levels: longer glow and higher "nearby" range (more mobs marked).

GUARDIAN:Chestplate enchantment. "Guards" animals, golems and villagers near you, giving them resistance 2 and speed. If low health, gives speed 2 and resistance 3 and extinguishes them if on fire. If a mob hurts an animal, a golem or a villager, that mob gets slowness and glowing, and you get strength, while the attacked entity gets regeneration if very low on hp.

HERO LANDING: Boots enchantment. Dropping from a large height deals area damage near the landing spot. The higher the drop, the higher the area and damage. Must be solid block. At level 3, from >100 blocks high drop: max 180 damage and 10 blocks area range!! Cannot be combined with Feather Falling!

NETHERING:Mining netherrack makes a small explosion, destroying nearby blocks. Mining ancient debris makes huge explosions around you, revealing other ancient debris if present. Basically a tool for faster ancient debris mining, costs a lot of durability. Cannot be combined with Efficiency!

CURSE OF WITHERING: Armor curse enchantment. Every time you are about to take damage, apply Wither 2 for a few seconds to both you and the attacker.


Other than that, there's meat pie, a new food which takes a little longer to eat but has crazy saturation value, giving you 6 whole drumsticks of hunger back (steak and porkchops give 4). Also there's it's golden variant, the Golden Meat Pie, which takes even longer to eat but fully replenishes your hunger bar, clears all negative effects off of you and gives you many potion effects simmilar to the effects of enchanted golden apple! Don't worry, in game, you will get both recipes on time.

There's also a very important gamerule: MobHealth, which increases health of all monsters. 0 is the default value and it will keep health at vanilla values. Every time you increase it by 1, the health of mobs increases by 20%, so /gamerule MobHealth 5 would increase health of all monsters by 100% (double)! Note: may not always be perfectly accurate, but works in +-5% accuracy. Also, dosn't work on creepers for now unfortunately. Giving creepers health boost effect would make them make a permanent lingering potion of health boost when they explode, and so the player would be able to get that permanent health boost too.

Some other additions are the XP fix, which makes you loose a lot less XP when dying. When you die with 50+ levels, you will not be shut down to some sad 13 levels or so, but instead you will get around 70% of your previous levels back.

And of course, the Reinforced Shears! Wonder of science, these shears are like normal shears just BIGGER AND BETTER!

Current version: v1.0


  • Creepers out of MobHealth rule.