Scootys Plants Vs. Zombies Regrown

Scootys Plants Vs. Zombies Regrown


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Hello fellow gardener, are you sick of zombies constantly eating your brains and trampling your potatoes? Well, then you need a way to defend the home and garden! Then look no further than the latest in produce protection... 


Based on the hit Pop Cap game Plants Vs Zombies comes a brand new adventure to your Minecraft world! This mod adds both plants and zombies from the original game as well as brand new twists on the classics. It will also add over 10 brand new places to explore and a crazy bearded man to meet and buy stuff from!   

NOTICE: SPvZ is being remade as SPvZR. Due to mod complications and general intrigue in remaking it I have decided to scrap SPvZ2 and instead focus on bringing a single well made mod. I hope you can all understand. If you are looking for the old versions of the mod with more content they are available by clicking show all.

Plants 1

List Of Current Plants


Snow Peashooter




Cherry Bomb

Potato Mine


Puff Shroom

Scaredy Shroom

Fume Shroom

Ice Shroom

Doom Shroom

Hypno Shroom

Sun Shroom


Moon Shroom

List of Current Zombies

Normal Zombie

Flag Zombie

Cone Head Zombie

Bucket Head Zombie

Brickhead Zombie

Pole Vaulter Zombie

Peashooter Zombie

Wallnut Zombie

Track Team Pole Vaulter Zombie

Newspaper Zombie

Football Zombie

Dancing Zombie

Backup Dancer Zombie

Zombified Crazy Dave

Giga Football Zombie

Other Additions 

New Tools

Zen Garden

Waves Progression System


And more...!

Mod Images

Plants 3Plants 4

Building Images

Dave House

Abandoned Green House

Graveyard 2

Graveyard 1

 Latest Videos 

Mod Credits

Scootyboooooty: Programing, Models, Textures, and Creator

Chasr34: Textures and Models

Lapis28: Custom Buildings and Ideas

Catclaw4335: Textures and Models

Mavernator: Textures and Models