SCP: Lockdown

SCP: Lockdown



The foundation has collapsed.

SK event imminent.

Initiate revival protocols.

SCP: Lockdown is an update and remake of the original SCPCraft mod created by Yu_tu. Now reborn in 1.12, Lockdown contains updates to the blocks, items and entities of its predecessor, and goes further to grant the SCPs their true abilities. But beyond even that, new objects have been located...


• 120+ facility blocks

• 50+ items including night vision goggles.

76 SCPs with revised designs, including functional items. Do not request new ones.

• A document crafting system to spawn containment chambers.

• A tiredness system that steadily worsens the more time is spent without sleep.

• New potion effects.

• Chinese, Swedish, French, Ukrainian, Italian, German and Russian supported.

Thanks to you all, on March 2nd 2021 we hit an incredible achievement. One MILLION downloads! When I asked about joining the team back in February 2018 I was not sure if we'd succeed at all, but here we are three years later with the most popular SCP mod for Minecraft ever. From the bottom of mine and the teams heart we want to thank you for these years together.

Connor is working hard in order to bring 2.4 to you guys as fast as possible. It's a big one, and we hope it will have been worth the wait. We also got a new dedicated 3.0 dev who will work on that version. Like we've previously mentioned, 3.0 will remake the entire mod from the ground up and bring older SCPs up to snuff. For example... Finally, Wasp will reveaedl some model showcases... Guess which one(s) are for 2.4 and which one(s) are for 3.0!

Once again, thank you for the support over these years, and have a great 2021!

 As a celebration for hitting 1 million downloads, we are making a poll and letting YOU decide on an SCP to put in 3.0.

May the best SCP win!




How to change or add recipes of Clockworks:

After the game launch, a file named "SCP-914 recipes.cfg" will be created in config directory. To add custom recipes you open it and write entries in the format mentioned in the file (1 line for 1 recipe). You can disable original Clockworks recipes in the config file.

Recipe format: input item's registry name/metadata/mode/time (ticks)/output item's registry name/amount/metadata

Example of a valid recipe:


(creates flint from granite)

Recipes can be viewed in JEI.

 Need a server to play with friends? Don't know how to set one up and don't want to bother with it? Just rent an already configured server!

Click on the picture above, select plan (SCP: Lockdown requires at least 4GB) and use the code scp to get 25% off on any game server and enjoy playing with your friends!

Currently built against Forge (update it if your game crashes).

Known issues:

  • might be incompatible with Optifine
  • if your game crashes with message "The game crashed whilst initializing game
    Error: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: canCreateSources", then update the Forge.

It is possible to add custom loot to the Pocket dimension and the Facility using Json files. To do that, go to 'config/SCP loot files' folder and create a Json file with the following format:

"item_id" : [full identifier of the item you want to add],

"min_count" : [minimal size of item stack],

"max_count" : [maximal size of item stack],

"chance" : [probability, from 1 to 100],

"contexts" : ["scp:pocket_dimension" for 106's dimension, "scp:facility" for the facility],

"tile_entities" : [a list of full identifiers of tile entities you want the loot to generate in],

"metadata" : [optional; item metadata/damage].

example -

example with 2 entries -

You can have any amount of entries in the file and any amount of Json files.

  • Do not request we downgrade to 1.7.10, that's considerably harder than you think it is.


• That Martin Guy [Coder]

• ConnorTron110 [Coder]

• commander_wasp [Modeller, block maker and builder]

• Maxwell K [Modeller]

• Amalia T [Texturer]

• Penguin [Texturer]

• Kaiju Rizard [Texturer and modeller]

• Researcher H2O [Builder, texturer and modeller]


• Reish (the_Wendig0) [Modeller and block maker]

• Corvus B and Totemaster for certain sounds.

• ThatBirdNerd [Texturer and block maker]

• Proven Beat [Modeller]

• BlehButAUnicorn [Coder]


Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate from and its authors. SCP: Lockdown, being derived from this content, is hereby also released under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0.