Seamless Loading Screen: Refabricated

Seamless Loading Screen: Refabricated


Got tired of not being able to use Seamless Loading Screen on 1.18 even though someone had provided a working and updated version for 1.18.1 (full credit to them ( So just provided this on CurseForge for people to use until the official mod updates to 1.18+

Original Description

Original Mod here

Seamless Loading Screen is a fabric mod that takes a screenshot of the game when you leave a world or server and displays it when you rejoin it.

If you're using Fabric API 0.30.0 or higher, update Seamless Loading Screen to v1.2.2 or higher!

A video demonstration:

I have no plans to make a forge version. However, the license is MIT, so if anyone wants to port the mod themselves, they're free too.