Second Chance

Second Chance


Scorch missing from repo?

K0-RR opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I wanted to fork Scorch and eventually PR sth but it seems like you forgot to upload this one.


Ah, I found it in this folder May I ask why it's named like that? Perhaps you could change this so no more people will be confused like I was.

I will be PR assets optimization - lossless compression - fabric.mod.json additions, Gradlew updates, and making gradlew file executable.


Hey there! I'm re-opening this issue because renaming the folder is something I need to do at some point - it's just been a struggle renaming it because it causes IntelliJ to do some weird stuff which I need to figure out.

The mod was originally called Gunpowder Revision, and that's unfortunately stuck around a bit.

Also I very much appreciate the PR! Thank you for that.