


This mod adds blocks in your Minecraft world, that can only be broken by the player that placed it.


  •  Reinforced Blocks: Those blocks can only be broken when the owner right clicks the block with the Block Breaker.
  • Safe / Advanced Safe: Those blocks behave like Reinforced Blocks, but they have an inventory that can only be accessed if you own it or someone has a key for it.
  • Reinforced Door: This door also behaves like a Reinforced Block. Only the person who owns it can open or close it, except someone has a key.
  • Key: Right click the block that the Key should work for and then click on the player that should get access to the block. Then the Key is locked to the player and to the block. Only this player can use this Key. Placed in a Crafting Table, the data is deleted.
  • Owner Changer: This item is not craftable. When you right click any Reinforced Block, it changes the owner to yourself.
  • Universal Key: This item is also not craftable. With this item you can interact with any block of this mod. Even if you are not the owner.

Download for 1.8.9

Download for 1.8

If you want to add this mod into a modpack, feel free to do that.