Sekiro Sense Symbols

Sekiro Sense Symbols


This mod adds Sense Symbols and sound effects from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice to Minecraft.


Danger symbol and enemy tracking symbol:

Death (It will disappear after 1 second, so don't worry about it blocking your view):

Poison and burn:

Details and Configurables

Danger symbol: appears when you are attacked by a creeper/enderman (can be disabled); when you start to fall more than 10 blocks (configurable, can be disabled). It has 15 seconds CD (configurable).

Enemy track symbol: when nearby enemy starts to attack you. It has 45 seconds CD (configurable).

Poison symbol: when an entity is effected by poison. 15 seconds CD (configurable, can be disabled)

Burn symbol: when an entity is burning. 15 seconds CD (configurable, can be disabled)

Resurrect symbol: when you use Totem of Undying. 15 seconds CD (configurable, can be disabled)

Death screen: "DEATH" lasts 1 second (configurable, can be disabled). There is 10% chance of showing "NO*B" instead of "DEATH" (configurable).

For other mod makers:

It is super easy to to add the symbols and sound effect by some straight forward functions inside api package. If you are adding some mobs/bosses with some "strong attacks", if would be fun to send a Danger Symbol to the player.


- Can I use it in my modpack?


- Can I use it in my videos?

Yes if you put the link in the description.