Server Ping

Server Ping


Server Ping

Server Ping is a server-side mod that allows spoofing the player list and count displayed on the server screen.


  1. Download and install Fabric Loader if you haven't already.
  2. Get the latest release of Server Ping from the releases tab.
  3. Put it in your mod folder.


The config is located at config/serverping.json5

	"player_list": {
		"enabled": false, // Enables spoofing the player list
		"value": [ // Names to display, make this empty to hide player list
			"Fake Player",
			"Some other dude"
	"player_count": {
		"enabled": false, // Enables spoofing the player count
		"value": {
			"count": 1, // Current players
			"max": 12 // Max players