Blocks +

Blocks +


This mod adds new blocks to the game, such as

  • Bamboo and Mushroom Planks
  • Crafting Table, Ladder and Bookshelf Variants
  • New Lanterns
  • Blue Nether Bricks (Including a new Warped Wart, which cannot be used to brew awkward potions)
  • Metal Stairs, Slabs, Pressure Plates, Doors, Trapdoors and Bars (Both Diamond and Netherite Pressure Plates react only to the player!)
  • Cactus, Magma, Coral, Frozen, Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Dark Prismarine, Sculk, Obsidsian, Crying Obsidian, Soul Soil Bricks
  • Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Calcite, Tuff, Dripstone, Basalt and Gilded Blackstone Polished Bricks
  • Knitted Wool
  • Terracotta and Concrete Bricks

Mod Showcase

This is my first mod ever made, hope you like it! :D

My other mods

Unactivated Totems

Netherite Scrap From Piglin Brutes