How to summon the first boss
How to summon the first boss
Glowshroom Forest
As of 3.9
Creeper caves in the Shadow Forest dimension
Added in 3.9
Wither Skeleton Commander boss

Toxic Forest
As of 3.10.2
New trees for the Gray Shadow Forest biome
Added in 3.5
Custom sky in the Blood Forest

New Blood Forest vegetation as of 3.10
New Blood Forest vegetation as of 3.10
Boss statues
Added in 3.9
Underwater dungeon where you can obtain the Toxic Spore.
Underwater dungeon where you can obtain the Toxic Spore.
Custom sky in the Shadow Forest

3.10 Additions
3.10 Additions
Texture changes in 3.7

Vellium Dimension
As of 3.7
Vellium Megabee
Mouth is inspired by that of a basking shark
Spore King as of the 3.2 update

Doom Star

Dungeon in the Shadow Forest

Just a few of the many custom trades

Tower in the Shadow Forest
Contains a Void Upgrade Core at the top
Castle in the Shadow Forest

Wither hiding in a corner from the Emperor Wither

Fire Portal

Red Castle

Ascendant Star

Shadowlands 3.0

OUTDATED Quest tree
FTB Quests file is available in mod description
New Blood Forest structure
Added in 2.19
Pillar of Hate

Red Nightmare after 2.17
Didn't have spikes before 2.17
Forest Grim
Added in 2.15
the Guardian Boar
A new boss added in 2.4