Shifu - Craftable Epic Fight Skill Books

Shifu - Craftable Epic Fight Skill Books


Looking for a master to teach you skills? Become the master, and craft them yourself!

Adds recipes that allow you to make 5 scrolls, each of which can be used to craft the skill books from the epic fight mod.

Also adds an NPC named Shifu that trades the skill books for emeralds and scrolls.

Compatible with base Epic Fight, Weapons of Miracles(Minecraft), and Sword Soaring.

No idea if it works on servers, but try it anyway. I can't myself, since no friends, haha.


Added Bandits, and sword soaring support.

Also made Shifu's AI stronger.

See below for more information on the bandits.

Added small Bandit Camp.

Fixed Shifu's Dojo generating without walls. 

Also added 3 buttons on the left side of Shifu's trading menu. To jump between skill mods.

Adds a Shifu NPC, who spawns in his dojo structure. Also made crafting recipes cheaper/easier to make.

He trades all the skill books for emeralds and scrolls, if you didn't want to craft them. Its much cheaper as well.

If his trades are empty slots, try clicking one of the button tabs on the left to jump pages.

No longer require EFM Compat.

Shifu NPC Info:

He can also fight in Epic fight combat. He swaps between dual swords, dagger, gloves, and uchigatana while in combat. He will also attack any monster entity type mobs in sight.

When killed, he may drop the skill book that was in his gui before the battle. Bonus loot if you can manage to kill him, but he is very strong.

Has 100 hp, 20 armor, and regenerates 20 hp when he gets a kill.

Also his structure spawns very far apart, so you might not find another Shifu to trade with for a while.

When Right clicking him, he will speak famous martial art quotes.

His Dojo spawns in Plains, Bamboo, and Cherry groves. There are some chests inside with some goodies.

Also a hotspring at the side of his Dojo.

Shifu Demo Video:

His structure spawns very far out, so it is recommended to use this mod:

Explorer's Compass:A compass mod that lets you locate structures

Bandits, and Bandit Camps:

Your typical regular bandits spawn randomly in small amounts. A spawn weight of 16, which is only slightly higher than Endermen at 12.

They have 20 health, and spawn with longswords, axes, great swords, or spears.

When killed, they have an 85% chance of dropping 1 to 4 emeralds. Or a 15% chance of dropping a random scroll of any type.

"Common thugs, but deadly. Don't underestimate them. They kill for a living." 

The bandit leader spawns only in bandit camps, and spawn with Longsword or Tachi equipped.

He has 100 health, and 10 armor.

When killed, he is guaranteed to drop 1 to 3 of any type of scroll.

While also dropping either 1 diamond, or 8-20 emeralds at 40-60 chance.

"A dangerous man whose strength lets him lead a force of thugs that kill for a living. Deadly."

Bandit camps spawn randomly throughout the world, and can be found almost anywhere flat or with trees.

They do not spawn in the desert, however. Since there is nothing to eat, and steal there.

Bandits camps have 19 regular bandits, and 1 bandit leader. 20 enemies in total.

They have bountiful loot, which the bandits have gathered over time, but they will also put up a fight if you seek to take it.

3 Dungeon chests, 1 desert temple chest, and a hidden chest.

There is a hidden chest in the bandit leader's tent.

Behind his chair

Small Bandit Camps spawn slightly more frequently, and have only 6 regular bandits.

They come without a bandit leader, and as a result have less rewards.

They have 2 random dungeon chests, and 2 chests that are always the same.

Recipe Info:

In order to find the crafting recipes for skill books, simply search "Skill Book" and you will find an epic fight skill book.

Click that one book, and it will open up crafting recipes for various epic fight skill books.

Each one with a different recipe.

Scroll Info:

The five scroll recipes can be found easily by just searching for "Scroll"

Sword, Boot, Eye, Feather, and Shield scrolls respectively.

Feel free to edit the recipes yourself if you feel like they are too difficult, or easy.