The counter automatically reduces after the 10 minute cooldown and ignores player placed shriekers
(Inspired by the counter on Yeah Jaron's "Minecraft 100 Days, but I CAN'T JUMP")
Required server side (I wanted to make it client side only, but didn't find a way to read the shrieker count without the server)
Technically optional on client (of course the HUD element won't show for players who don't have the mod installed, but they will still receive the "notification" from the shriekerNotifyOnChange gamerule)
The position of the counter relative to the anchor
x: number y: number
x = 0
y = 0
/shriekercounter position <x: number> <y: number>
What the position value will use as reference
Vertical = TOP horizontal = LEFT
/shriekercounter anchor <top | center | bottom> <left | center | right>
The relative scale of the counter
A float between 0.0 and 10.0
scale = 1.0
/shriekercounter scale <0.0-10.0>
Whether the counter should be shown when the player's count is equal to 0
Boolean (true or false)
show_when_zero = true
/shriekercounter show_when_zero <true | false>
Whether the counter should be shown
Can be toggled with a keybind (O by default)
Boolean (true or false)
active = true
/shriekercounter hide
/shriekercounter show
Resource packs can be used to customize the counter's appearence
Example resource packs are available here
If true, whenever a player's shrieker count changes, that player will hear a noteblock note and receive a chat message saying "Your shrieker count [increased/decreased] to [count]"
This mod requires completeconfig and fabric API
YetAnotherConfigLib is recommended
The "pure" file doesn't include any of them and therefore complete config needs to be installed manually