Encrypt the contents of a sign in minecraft!
SignCipher uses a Vigenère Cipher, a series of interwoven Caesar ciphers, to encrypt the contents of a sign in minecraft with a given key.
These signs will only be readable to others who both have the mod installed, and have the correct key to the tag on the sign. In a shellnut, if someone doesn't have the key, they won't be able to read your sign!
- Install Kottle (This mod depends on it)
- Install This mod.
Keys are stored in .minecraft/signcipher/keys.json
When adding or removing keys, make sure that the file stays in proper json format.
Keys are currently only read once, when you start the game.
When encrypting a sign, simply type the tag of the key you want to use, in square brackets ([tag_name]
and press the Encrypt button.
When a sign is decrypted, the [tag]
will be replaced with "", indicating that it has been
gradle [setupDevWorkspace|setupDecompWorkspace] [eclipse|idea]
gradle build
Yes. You don't need to ask.
For all intents and purposes, as secure as you keep the key. Common Vigenère "breakers" won't work, because the character set has been expanded past the simple polyalphabetic substitution.
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