


Silencer Minecraft mod (Forge)

A Forge mod that provides an item that allows you to silence entities:

You can silence villagers for example

The silencer is craftable:

Shaped recipe. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Honey Block, Clay ball, Empty, Clay ball, Red Dye, Empty, Empty, Empty, Clay Ball

You can also craft an un-silencer which can be used to restore entities. It is also craftable:

Shaped recipe. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Clay ball, Clay ball, Clay ball, Clay ball, Redstone Torch, Clay ball, Empty, Empty, Clay Ball

Both items are stackable. When used by the player on an entity, the entity will be silenced/unsilenced, and the item will be consumed.

If the entity had been silenced/unsilenced before then nothing will happen, and the item will remain in the player's hand.