Silent's Gems (Experimental)

Silent's Gems (Experimental)


CTD due to stack overflow caused by glitched Paxel

vensersprodigy opened this issue · 3 comments


I was playing a mod-pack made by a youtuber (I was helping with testing) and encountered a error with the Paxel. The modpack has silent's gems: extra parts as well but I'm not sure if that's important or needs to be sent to that page as well. Over time, as little as an hour for the latest attempt, the paxel would glitch out after decorating it for repair purposes. Attemtping to harvest a block, any block AFAIK inluding but not limited to a bed, stone, a cactus, and sand, from that point forward would result in a stack overflow error thanks to the following two lines of code repeating. While this happened with any material I had access to, I only had polished stone, oak, and flint before the crashes happened.

at net.silentchaos512.gems.item.tool.ItemGemPaxel.canHarvestBlock( at net.silentchaos512.gems.item.tool.ItemGemPickaxe.func_150897_b(

Link to the pack, in case there is a compatibility issue at work:

Not sure how to upload the save-games in question for testing purposes. This is my first time on github.


Already fixed in the latest version (issue #147). Silent's Gems needs to be update to 2.3.11. Sorry for the trouble. Always nice to see Gems being used though,


Ah sorry, new to github so I didn't see it thanks to an automatic filter. Again, apologies for wasting your time and thank you for the excellent mod.


No problem, it's easy to miss closed issues. And I knew what it was at a glance, so no time lost!