Silent's Gems (Experimental)

Silent's Gems (Experimental)


Multiple Issues

TechnicianLP opened this issue · 15 comments

  • The build.gradle is incomplete/wrong there are dependencies (SilentLib, Baubles) missing as well as ones incompatible with the specified minecraft-version (Mantle, Tinkers) (which prevented me from running/compiling/making a pr)
  • Registering things by calling IForgeRegistry.register(thingy) has been discouraged in favor of registry events (RegistryEvent.Register<? extends IForgeRegistryEntry> which should be used for all registries in ForgeRegistries.class (this system was introduced in 1.10.2)(IRecipe should be added through json))
  • The textures you stitch to the atlas could use a cleanup (Texture-Atlas Dump) (if you can tell me how i can get your mod to build, i could do that (without changing how things look ingame))
  • I include Lib and Baubles by placing them in the libs folder. I didn't realize Tinkers had updated. I normally just leave dependencies like that alone until they update. That way my mod will still build without having the remove/edit any code.
  • I am, see Silent Lib's SRegistry: I'd rather not add recipes via JSON if I can avoid it. That would be hundreds of additional files.
  • Sure, go ahead. The rendering side of things has never been my strong point.

if i understood you correctly - the 1.12 workspace works by just compiling against the outdated mods but not including them in the run-configuration?


Right. That way the code is never called. Then it just has to be updated whenever the other mod(s) update.


Finally managed to load a world in a dev-environemnt ... (5 hours of work yay - stupid intellij bugs)
This is what the current build.gradle looks like now (including a workaround for intellij)


Could you provide an export of your formatter-settings? (and/or codestyle preferences) (its quite a bit different than what i use normally ...)


I mostly follow Google's style guide for Java:
Here are my clean up and formatter exports from Eclipse:

  • Ok ModelGemArmor now is a bit cleaner now (and works on armorstands) (Changes on Fork)
  • Is the GemArmorModel-chestplate supposed to stick out by a pixel in the front?
  • what is it with that newline at the start of each method? (some classes have it, some don't)

Btw: if you still have uncolored images of your items/blocks lying around ... i could use those ... (without having to uncolor them myself by guessing colors)


There are a couple of things I don't understand here:

  • In ItemGemArmor, you removed a couple of fields, but left references to them.
  • There are errors in ArmorModelRenderer. I did just update Forge to 2435, maybe that has something to do with it. But compileDisplayList, displayList, and compiled are not visible.

Alright, I'll read up on that, thanks.


Sorry, thought you had finished for some reason. I do remember having issues with the build.gradle, can't remember exactly what happened.


I just saw you already merged my changes - in the future please wait until i make a pr myself as the changes are not confirmed to be tested (or finished) otherwise ...
I also saw you "fixed" the build.gradle again to increment the buildnuber again every time any gradle-task is run and to break intellij compatibility ... (did you have problems with it?)