Simple Accessories - Fabric

Simple Accessories - Fabric


Simple Accessories Mod

This adds simple yet powerful magic accessories to Minecraft.

Currently, there are two accessories:

  • The Speed Ring: Gives you Speed 1 while equiped
  • The Invisibility Cloak: Gives you invisibility while equipped

Texture Credits

All the textures are made by zxmbiegrrl.

Thank you so much!



Gemless Ring

This cannot be equiped, and adds no effects at all, but is required to craft any ring.

You can craft it with 8 gold ingots, like so:

Speed Ring

Gives you Speed 1 while equiped. Can be crafted with the raw materials needed for a Swiftness Potion (8:00) plus a Gemless Ring.


Regular Cloak

This cannot be equiped, and adds no effects at all, but is required to craft any cloak.

Craftable with White Wool blocks and a golden ingot.

Invisibility Cloak

Gives you invisibility while equipped.

Can be crafted with the raw materials needed for the invisibility potion and a Regular Cloak

More to come

This is a very early stage version of the mod. More items are yet to be implemented. Please leave any ideas in the comments below, or create an issue on GitHub


This is a work-in-progress, and is being developed as my learning project on Minecraft Modding. You wil, probably, encouter weired stuff as I get into more complicated things, and you may also feel like some things are missing. Anyway, let me know what you think about the mod, and any possible improvement suggestions.

Open Source

You can see the source code, as well as submit issues and pull requests on GitHub