The materials above are Cobalt (top), Blue Drift Steel, Blue Celadon, and Green Celadon. The armors below are Cobalt / Blue Drift Steel / Blue Celadon / Green Celadon. To the right is Cobalt Ore.
Cobalt is a hard, dense metal that is somewhat comparable to Mythril. It does not hold as sharp an edge, and has a lower enchantability, but has a higher durability. Mythril tools cut faster, but Cobalt last longer. Mythril armor provides slightly better defense, but Cobalt armor is more durable.
Cobalt Ore requires a pickaxe with a "level 2" rating (iron, bronze) or higher to mine.
Blue Drift Steel is an alloy of Cobalt and Iron. It is fused using coal / charcoal, gunpowder, or lapis powder (S/M/L). It is durable and hold a sharp edge. Further, Blue Drift Steel is very special in that when a full suit of armor is worn, it negates all damage from falling.
Blue Celadon is a very durable alloy of Cobalt and Mythril, approcaching Thyrium in strength. It is fused using redstone dust, lapis powder, or glowstone dust (S/M/L).
Green Celadon is a powerful alloy of Cobalt and Adamantium, being more powerful than Thyrium, but more difficult to produce. It is fused using lapis powder, glowstone dust, or an Emerald (S/M/L).
Blue Drift Steel: Cobalt + Iron : (SC) Coal / Charcoal (MC) Gunpowder (LC) Lapis Chunk
Blue Celadon: Cobalt + Mythril : (SC) Redstone Dust (MC) Lapis Chunk (LC) Glowstone Dust
Green Celadon: Cobalt + Adamantium : (SC) Lapis Chunk (MC) Glowstone Dust (LC) Emerald
Chunks follow standard compounding recipes. Large chunks are smelted into ingots.
These materials can be used to make armor and the base tool set, all using standard recipes. The tool recipes use the Ore Directory stick entry, so mods with new wood should be compatible.
Mobs can appear in the world with all this equipment, including complete sets of armor. (Not implemented).
Cobalt and Blue Drift Steel can be used to make rails, using the same recipe as iron. Cobalt will make a batch of 24 rails, while Blue Drift Steel will make a batch of 44 rails.