Simple Discord Webhook Leave/Join Notification

Simple Discord Webhook Leave/Join Notification



A Minecraft Spigot/Bukkit/Paper server plugin that sends notifications when players join/leave the server.

Download and install this plugin from CurseForge here.

Currently supported notifications:

  1. Discord

What problem does this solve?

My family plays together on a minecraft server. This plugin helps us know when others are playing so we can join, like this:

Local Development

Testing a local build

Requires Docker and Maven to be installed on your system.

After making changes to the plugin, run the following chained build, copy, and server start command:

mvn package && mkdir -p localdev/data/plugins && cp -v target/minecraft-plugin-join-notification-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar $(pwd)/localdev/data/plugins && docker run --rm -e EULA=true  -p 25565:25565 -v localdev/data:/data cmunroe/spigot:1.16.4

You should see the following in the server logs as it boots up:

[03:36:19] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlayerNotificationPlugin] Enabling PlayerNotificationPlugin v1.0

Then start the minecraft client and connect to


Run your minecraft Spigot or Bukkit server once with the PlayerNotificationPlugin installed. After it runs for the first time it will create the directory structure:


Open up config.yml and edit, replacing WEBHOOK-URL-GOES-HERE with the webhook URL configured in Discord:

    type: "webhook"
    leaveFormat: "%s left!"
    joinFormat: "%s joined!"

Discord Webhook Setup

Visit the official Discord documentation on webhooks for instructions on how to create a webhook.

As of this writing, you use Edit Channel > Integrations > Webhooks