Simple Magnets

Simple Magnets


Simple Magnets banner

Simple Magnets adds Magnets that pickup Items and Experience around the player! Magnets can be configured with a whitelist or blacklist and have up to an 11 blocks range! Magnets can also be used in Baubles or Curios slots! Magnets can also be toggled with a key bind!



Basic Magnet  Basic Magnet

- The Basic Magnet picks up Items and Experience within a 5 block range of the player!

Advanced Magnet  Advanced Magnet

- The Advanced Magnet picks up Items and Experience within a configurable range!

- Items can be filtered with a whitelist or blacklist

- Range for both Items and Experience can be individually configured

Demagnetization Coil Demagnetization Coil

-The Demagnetization Coil prevents items from being attracted by magnets

- Effective area can be adjusted up to 3 blocks away

Recipe for the Demagnetization Coil

Advanced Demagnetization Coil Advanced Demagnetization Coil

-The Advanced Demagnetization Coil prevents items from being attracted by magnets

- Effective area can be adjusted up to 5 blocks away

- Items can be filtered

Recipe for the Advanced Demagnetization Coil


Step-by-step Guide:

Turning the Magnet on and off

1. Select the magnet in the hotbar
2. Right-Click with the magnet

Opening the Advanced Magnet's GUI

1. Select the magnet in the hotbar
2. Shift-Right-Click with the Advanced Magnet

Advanced Magnet's GUI

Opening the Demagnetization Coil's GUI

1. Look at the Demagnetization Coil with an empty hand
2. Right-Click the Demagnetization Coil

Advanced Demagnetization Coil

Filtering items

1. Open the Advanced Magnet's or Demagnetization Coil's gui
2. Click on one of the filter slots with the desired item
3. Change the filter to either whitelist or blacklist
4. Change the filter to either match NBT data or not



What is the max range of the magnets?

The Basic Magnet has a range of 5 blocks and the Advanced Magnet has a max range of 11 blocks

Can I use your mod in my modpack?

Yes, feel free to use my mod in your modpack



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Legal Stuff

Simple Magnets is the property of SuperMartijn642 and is protected under copyright law and may not be altered or reuploaded without direct permission from SuperMartijn642.

Both Magnets