Simple Shulker Preview
Simple Shulker Preview is a small fabric mod that displays an icon indicating the contents of a shulker. This icon appears on top of the shulker icon in inventory slots.
- Display Item (default: First) - Sets which item in the shulker should be displayed.
- Group Enchantments (default: False) - Treat enchanted items separately from un-enchanted items
- X Offset (default: 12.0) - The horizontal offset of the icon, from left to right.
- Y Offset (default: 12.0) - The vertical offset of the icon, from top to bottom.
- Z Offset (default: 100.0) - In/out offset. Use when other mods cover / are covered by this.
- Scale (default: 10.0) - Size of the icon.
- Disable Mod (default: False) - Disables the mod so that overlay icons are not displayed.
Display Item Options:
- First - the first item in the shulker box
- Last - the last item in the shulker box
- Unique - only displays an icon if there is exactly one type of item in the shulker box. Enchantments / names / durabilities are ignored.
- Most - the item type with the most items. This is based on stack size, not stack count. e.g. 64 stone (stacked) and 2 diamond swords (unstacked) will show the stone.
- Least - the item type with the least items. This is based on stack size, not stack count. e.g. 64 stone (stacked) and 2 diamond swords (unstacked) will show the swords.
Compatibility (all default false)
- Support Custom Heads - Displays the textures of custom player heads and treats them as individual items
- Support Recursive Shulkers - If shulkers are stored in shulkers, counts the items in them too.
- Support Stacked Shulkers - Displays the preview even for shulkers that are stacked. Adds additional x, y, z offsets, and scale to prevent overlapping with the shulker count.
This mod comes with the Cloth Config API built in to implement configs (there should be no need to download it yourself). I would recommend installing ModMenu alongside it if you actually want to use them though, because I didn't want to create yet another config mapping for such a simple mod.
Please keep in mind that, although Simple Shulker Preview may be available for certain versions, that doesn't always mean that ModMenu will be too. If you are desperate to edit the configs they are stored in configs/simpleshulkerpreview.json.
1. Make sure fabric is installed and setup. Download and installation instructions can be found at
2. Compile or download the mod jar file for Simple Shulker Preview
3. Move the jar file into your minecraft mods folder (generated the first time you run the fabric version of minecraft)
The source code can all be found on my GitHub, which also has the compilation instructions.