crafting broken in survival 1.11.2
darrenhollick opened this issue · 8 comments
In survival 1.11.2 you cannot craft the teleporter. You are able to make ender crystals in the furnace and you can link them to a spot on the ground but then you can't follow the rest of your instructions to use this mode because you cannot craft the teleporter. There are no errors produced at the client or server it just acts as if the crafting recipe is invalid.
I can't recreate this, I crafted one for myself yesterday in my own playthough.
What crafting setting do you have on in the config file.
If you're playing on a server, does the server's config match your own.
I think I found the file you're referring to and both the client and server match... here are the contents:
Configuration file
block {
# The amount of portal particles that will come out of the teleporter every display tick [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 5]
I:"Teleporter Particle Amount"=5
crafting {
# The difficulty of crafting a teleporter block. 0 = Quartz, 1 = End Stone, 2 = Nether Star, 3 = Uncraftable [range: 0 ~ 3, default: 0]
I:"Teleporter Crafting Difficulty"=0
teleportation {
# After teleporting, the player will face the direction they were facing when linking the crystal [default: true]
B:"Teleportation Use Crystal Direction"=true
I don't have a recipe viewer mod. Here are the only other mods installed on the client/server:
I just released a new build, it fixed a bug related to recipes, but not specifically this one.
If you could update to the new version and try it out, that would be awesome.
Also make sure you're using quartz blocks in the recipe and not something like iron/snow by mistake!
/me hangs his head in shame...
I just updated... however, I was using the wrong blocks... I just looked at the picture and since there wasn't a description of the recipe I made an embarrassing mistake. Sorry for the trouble and for humoring me!