- 1
porting to forge/neoforge 1.20+
#33 opened by Saereth - 1
does not work on 1.14 19w05
#20 opened by MUHAKLorTheDorfTrottel4Github - 2
Fabric API changed, now it's crashing
#21 opened by pkmnfrk - 1
Crash on Forge 1.13.2 - 25.0.99
#22 opened by Tokenyet - 1
Crash on forge 1.13.2 - 25.0.107
#23 opened by XiirTaM - 1
Crash with MC 1.14.1
#24 opened by TimGoll - 0
please add a delay time when teleport.
#25 opened by SuratZ - 1
1.14.4 version on Forge
#26 opened by kubaman2000 - 0
Request: Add the option to lock in shards
#27 opened by ramou - 0
Ender shard voided when clicking teleporter with full inventory
#29 opened by myrriad - 3
Simple Teleporter won't work 1.16.2
#30 opened by robingravel - 0
User error [Resolved]
#31 opened by badcrave - 0
Weird Render Bug when teleporting?
#32 opened by Lxsse54 - 1
Korean Language
#2 opened by tinywolf3 - 0
Forge/Sponge 1.10.2- - Teleporter 1.1.3
#4 opened by FerroKarr - 1
Non-issue? Cross Dimensional Travel
#5 opened by Lost-Ninja - 8
crafting broken in survival 1.11.2
#6 opened by darrenhollick - 0
Incompatible with forge's new registry system
#7 opened by Lemonszz - 3
Can't craft "Ender Shard"
#8 opened by electrosven - 3
Incompatible with 1.12 (Even though it's supposed to be updated)
#9 opened by nothinggas - 2
Causes a Crash Glitch
#10 opened by DrWonder - 2
Crashes after taking shard out
#11 opened by AndyGJorgensen - 4
Suggestion: Multidimension
#12 opened by SkullbocksDE - 0
Inventory bug
#13 opened by Temporalotus - 0
Update v1.12.2.-3.0.0 on 12/02/17
#14 opened by TheOrionsun - 2
Request: Option to tweak the furnace recipe from Eye of Ender to Ender Pearl
#15 opened by vico93 - 1
Version 1.12.2-3.0.0 - Ender Shards from pads all disappear and alignment problems
#16 opened by TheOrionsun - 2
Ender shards are uncraftable
#17 opened - 1
Suggestion: Integration with Xaeros mods (WorldMap and MiniMap)
#18 opened by vico93 - 0
Request: Add the option to limit the teleport distance
#19 opened by faeldray