Simple Tomb

Simple Tomb


Simple Tombstone

A Minecraft mod built on the Forge API

Project page with releases:

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Open Source information

This mod is not meant to replace corail tombstone, and it is not a faithful recreation of the original. This is a different mod with elements of the original, and re-using some of the original mods code under the license.

The modid is 'simpletomb' matching the config file.

The Tombstones mod has been historically closed source. The original author (Corail) made a certain specific version of the mod open source under LGPLv2.1, and this uses some shared code of that version, which used to be hosted here

also see the following reference image which indicates the open source license


  • Corail31 - Made original mod, totally different from this version, but has some overlap
  • Darkhax
  • Gegy1000
  • Barteks2X
  • Paul Fulham
  • Lothrazar - Simple Tomb development