This mod includes an entirely new toolset and mob with custom spritework based off vanilla textures, as well as two entirely new potions with interesting but balanced effects!
-The "Ancient" tool set, with durability between iron and diamond, and damage values in the range of diamond. Each tool has a special unique effect inherent to the tool, and can be enchanted! Ancient tools can be repaired with copies of themselves or diamonds. Each tool has a particular niche, and can *only* be found as a drop by killing the all-new "Ancient Warrior" mob!
-Two completely new potions: Potion of Withertouch and Potion of Ancient Wrath! Withertouch is a powerful combat potion that inflicts Wither II on hit, and can only be made from wither roses! Ancient Wrath adds an additional 5 damage of lightning to every hit on an undead mob, perfect for slaying armies of zombies and skeletons! It can be brewed with the new "Wrath Stone", a potion ingredient dropped by Ancient Warriors!
-One new flower, the Goldflower! It spawns exclusively in Dark Oak forests (Roofed Forest biome) and will only have the chance to spawn one single flower per chunk. These rare flowers can be brewed into a Potion of Luck!
-Integration with villager trades! The Wrath stone and Goldflower items can be traded for by cleric villagers upon reaching higher levels!
A full explanation of the Ancient toolset abilities is below:
[Ancient Sword- Inflicts Slowness for 3 seconds on hit. Attacks faster than other swords.]
[Ancient Pickaxe- Grants invisibility while held. Mining stone blocks gives 2 seconds of Haste.]
[Ancient Axe- Landing a hit successfully grants 2 seconds of Regeneration 2, enough to fill one half heart, approximately.]
[Ancient Shovel- Inherent knockback boost. Landing hits inflicts 2 seconds of Levitation upon target, sending them into the air to then take fall damage. Low direct damage.]
All of the above items can be wielded- and dropped- by the all-new enemy, the Ancient Warrior!
Ancient warriors spawn very rarely at nighttime or in caves, and can be easily spotted by their distinct particle effect. They move slowly, but have a large pool of health and deal decent damage. They also hold ancient weapons, whose weapon effects will apply to you when they hit you, so be careful!
All of the above items are textured to fit in with vanilla textures as closely as possible!
No dependencies! Forge only!
Feedback is appreciated in the comments- updates can be provided at reasonable request
Feel free to use in any modpack!
Created using MCreator 2022.1 for 1.16.5
I do NOT own the textures included; they are modified vanilla "programmer art" textures, which are owned by Microsoft.